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(Mr. Blanc, France)

We most firmly deplore the fact that Iraq has chosen to use force, all the more so since we are dealing with a region that has just emerged from a particularly lengthy and bloody conflict.

That is why we fully approve of the emergency meeting of our Council. Ne unreservedly condemn the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq and we demand the immediate withdrawal from the territory of Kuwait by Iraqi forces.

For those reasons, we have decided to co-sponsor the draft resolution submitted to us.

The Resident: I thank the representative of France for the kind words he addressed to me.

Mr. Redzuan (Malaysia): On behalf of my delegation, I should like to congratulate you, Sir, and express our best wishes on your assumption of the presidency of the Council for this month. I wish also to take this opportunity to thank you and others for the kind words expressed to Ambassador Razali.

Malaysia considers the principles embodied in the Charter of the United Nations as sacrosanct in the conduct of relations between sovereign States. We are against acts of external interference, aggression and the use of force and the threat of force in inter-State relations without exception. This is particularly important to protect the sovereignty of small States.

Malaysia deeply regrets that this situation has taken place, involving two members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and the Non-Aligned Movement with which we have good relations. This is particularly sad when this event is taking place during the annual Foreign Ministers' meeting of the OIC in Cairo. We are saddened at the loss of lives and the destruction brought about by this invasion.