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(Mr. Al-Anbari, Iraq)

the Security Council were simply its Foreign Ministry. All this arises from the fact that that State owes the United Nations $675 million and it is using this as a means of exerting pressure on the United Nations. This already happened in 1975 when General Assembly resolution 3379 (XXX) was adopted.

Apart from the illegality of this draft resolution and because of its contents and the way in which it was submitted, we believe that it constitutes aggression, a negative trend for the developing countries in view of its influence on the price of oil exported to the developing countries.

In other words, this draft resolution will have a negative impact on the economic affairs of the developing countries. That is why I expect the Security Council to annul it.

The President: It is my understanding that the Security Council is ready to proceed to the vote on the draft resolution before it. If I hear no objection, I shall take it that that is the case.

There being no objection, it is so decided.

I shall first call on those members of the Council who wish to make statements before the voting.