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Mr. Abulhasan (Kuwait) (interpretation from Arabic): The convening of this meeting today and the intensive efforts that have been exerted by the Council during the past three days reflect the sincere international commitment to the principles of the United Nations Charter.

The Council is meeting today five days after the adoption of resolution 660 (1990). That resolution was an expression of the fact that the Council's defends international peace and security, represents the conscience of the world, and indeed protects the small nations. The Council adopted this resolution because it believes that brutal, unwarranted aggression has been inflicted on one of the members of the international community. The aggressor did not confine itself to violating the territorial integrity of the State of Kuwait; indeed, it has occupied the entire sacred soil of Kuwait. This aggression has been inflicted on a peaceful country, which has always desired peace. All the international relations of that State have been based on the principles of Islam, of the United Nations Charter, and good-neighbourliness. It is a State that has chosen to settle its disputes with other States through peaceful means.