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S/RES/1986 (2011)

force levels and concept of operations, taking into account developments on the ground and the views of the parties,

Welcoming also the continued efforts of Alexander Downer as the Secretary-General's Special Adviser with a mandate to assist the parties in the conduct of fully fledged negotiations aimed at reaching a comprehensive settlement, and the efforts of Lisa Buttenheim as the Secretary-General's Special Representative,

Echoing the Secretary-General's gratitude to the Government of Cyprus and the Government of Greece for their voluntary contributions to the funding of UNFICYP, and his request for further voluntary contributions from other countries and organizations, and expressing appreciation to Member States that contribute personnel to UNFICYP,

Welcoming and encouraging efforts by the United Nations to sensitize peacekeeping personnel in the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases in all its peacekeeping operations,

  1. Welcomes the progress made so far in the fully fledged negotiations, and the prospect of further progress in the near future towards a comprehensive and durable settlement that this has created;
  2. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General (S/2011/112);
  3. Recalls Security Council resolution 1953 (2010), and calls upon the two leaders to:
    1. intensify the momentum of negotiations, engage in the process in a constructive and open manner, and work on reaching convergences on the remaining core issues in preparation for their meeting with the Secretary-General in July 2011;
    2. improve the public atmosphere in which the negotiations are proceeding, including by focusing public messages on convergences and the way ahead, and delivering more constructive and harmonized messages; and
    3. increase the participation of civil society in the process as appropriate;
  4. Urges the implementation of confidence-building measures, and looks forward to agreement on and implementation of further such steps, including military confidence-building measures and the opening of other crossing points;
  5. Urges all parties to be more forthcoming in accommodating the Committee for Missing Persons exhumation requirements throughout the island, including in military areas in the north;
  6. Reaffirms all its relevant resolutions on Cyprus, in particular resolution 1251 (1999) of 29 June 1999 and subsequent resolutions;
  7. Expresses its full support for UNFICYP and decides to extend its mandate for a further period ending 15 December 2011;
  8. Calls on both sides to continue to engage, as a matter of urgency and while respecting UNFICYP's mandate, in consultations with UNFICYP on the demarcation of the buffer zone, and on the United Nations 1989 aide memoire, with a view to reaching early agreement on outstanding issues;
  9. Calls on the Turkish Cypriot side and Turkish forces to restore in Strovilia the military status quo which existed there prior to 30 June 2000;