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gonna topple it all, dude. It’s what great frickin’ conquerors, man, we’re just gonna conquer every fuckin’ thing man.” Fox and Garbin further discussed the need for the government to collapse because it has become so tyrannical.

23. On July 26, 2020, Fox told CHS-2 that he had not heard back from the “baker,” which the CHS understood to mean an explosives manufacturer. Fox told the CHS that he thought it might be better to focus on the vacation home and summer residence as potential targets. Fox also said, “Maybe we should just make a bunch of cupcakes and send them out,” in an apparent reference to a more widespread bombing campaign. CHS-2 understood these code words and phrases because the group often used such language when talking about explosives.

24. On August 23, 2020, Garbin, Harris, Franks, Caserta, CHS-2, and three other individuals met at Harris’s residence in Lake Orion, Michigan. CHS-2 provided FBI with an audio recording of the meeting. The group had discussed concerns about being infiltrated by law enforcement, and all attendees were required to bring personal documents to confirm their identities. During the meeting, Caserta asked Franks, “Franks, where you at?” Franks responded, “Same place. I’m ready to get it on. Doesn’t matter. It could be ‘cause somebody looked at us wrong.” CHS-2, referring to Fox, stated, “He is all about fuckin’ killin’ her.” Caserta responded, “God. Go on someone’s property and stuff like that. I would rather not scare them. Especially if it’s a fuckin’ political parasite. The world would be better without that person, I’ll say that.” CHS-2 explained that was why Fox wanted to do “recon” for the plan. The group discussed surveilling the vacation home in preparation for attacks on the Governor, and Franks advised he had recently spent almost $4,000 on a helmet and night-vision goggles. To address their concerns about law-enforcement infiltration, the attendees agreed to move their group chat to a different encrypted messaging application. Because the