Page:United States Reports, Volume 2.djvu/391

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Crxcmf COURT, Ientgjlvatztb Diltriéi. 385 venience and accommodation of a light houfe, {hall have been t7g8. ceded to the United Statee, it {hid] be the duty of the Secretary WV of the Treafury to, provide by contract, which {hall be approved by the Prelident of the United Slater, for building a light-houl`e` thereon of the tirft rate: And alfo, ¤• that the Secretary of the Treafury be authorized to provide by contra&, which {hall be approved by the Prelident of the United Sfater, for building on an illand in the harbour of Oe·t·at·a¢l·, called Slvll C.;/Ile, a light- ed beacon ofa wooden frame, gg feet high, to be 22 feet at the bafe, and to be reduced gradually to ra feet at the top, ex- cluiively of the lantem, which {hall be made to contain one large lamp with four wicks, and for furnilhing the fame with all necelfary fupplies. Provided, that no fuch lighted beacon {hall be ere&ed, until a cellion of a fudicient quantity of land on the {`aid illand {hall be made to the United State: by the con- fent of the Legillature of the State of Nartb C•nlina:" And whereas the Legillature of the State of Nat-tb_ Cat-adna did, on the 17th day uf 1794, cede to the United State: the juril'- _ diélion of fo much of the headland of Cape Hatteru in the fame State, as the Prelident of the faid Ibtited State: deemed fuilicient and moll: proper for the convenience and accommodation _of a light houfe, and alfo a fumcient quantity of land for building on the {`aid illand, in the harbour of Oecacstl, called Shell Ce;/Ile, a beacon of the kind, defcriptions, and dimenlions aforefaid: And whereas, afterwards, to wit, on the 28th day of September 1797, at the Di{lri£t aforcfaid,?I}nel• Gaxe, Efq. (he the laid Teneb Caxe, then and there being Commiliioner of the Revenue, in the department of the Secretary of the Trcafuty,) then and there was appointed and inlituéted by the Secretary of the Treafu , by and with the authority of the Prelident of the faid Unxtedgater, to receive propcfals for building the light houfe aforcfaid, and beacon aforefaid : Ral·ert H'u·rall, late of the fame Dillriét, yeoman, being an ill difpofed perfon, and wick- edly contriving and contending to bribe and {`educe the {'aid Tenth Caxe, fo being Commillioner of the Revenue, from the performance of the trult and duty fo in him repofed, on the {`aid 28th day of September rygy, at the Diliriél aforcfaid, and · within the jurifdiélion of this Court, wickedly, advifedly and corruptly, did compofe, write, utter, and publilh, and caufe to be delivered to the faid Elena}: Caxe, a letter, addreifed to him · theffaid Yeneb Cane, in the words and figures following, that is to ay: “ Dear Sir, “ Having had thehonor of waiting on you, at dilferent times, on_thc light-houfe hulincfs, and having delivered a fair, honelt atlxmatc, and l will be Band? to d¢¢l¤l‘c, that with my diliget: cg an