Page:United States Reports, Volume 2.djvu/491

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I N D E X. t. Whatjnfentsandaeeationnare charged from any obligation which liens npona nhnpfsehte. :58. might fubtil bemeenthe origiiialpan Ana&io¤Iot·ar•rco¤tynitee<lup¤n deglgitwhichdoniiotappmmdn abankreptanootbennmumedby Iaceotthem£ii;.e:titfelt’. _¢,g6 his aigncea. ar;. . A fancy, who pays the bond after BLAIR, .3.8HN. thedifehargedaninfolwentdebt¤·,ia say _ ··¤• i¤¤=<1 by •1•= ¢ifd¤i==· *36- ."`l"""""?|l"E"€°""·“¤l""'·"° see lEee .4};...,.: bindmg on Bntilh |ub_|e&al1ere. 256.1. ` » ‘ A md,-m is , ummm mm- d-, N BRIBERI .» prove fnud in the petitioner, who ep- AN °[¤' ¢° l¤¤'ib¢ 'i¤ i¤di&¤l¤l¤. ,5,, m 5, {Mud ugh th,;¤[,,|. though thebribe is not accepted. 384. um hn ,6; Whether an olfer to bribe the com- A 1,,,;,, ,5;d,,_,‘,d ,, m 5,;,;,,,, miliioner of the revenue isiudiéiable in debtor oannot maintain an a&i•n in ¤l¤¤ci*¤*l* CW"- *l¤¤'I‘· 334 hiaown name, for a debt previonlly BRITISH DEB-[S, due. 276. See E rig. Lung?. BARRATRY. Bli0KER. Ste I»£•ren:e. See Why}. Shel Centra}?. BILL in QQITY. -——-——— —-———-— 5* £ ` - CAPITULATION. BILL or S., ,;c·,,,;,_,;,_,_ See Etilczre. M nl. C BILL 0F EXCHANGE- see wwe., 1:4;.-:.....p. HAT notice ia necdfary co he n' IW given to the drawer of a Bill oflixchange, or indnrfor ofa Promil`- cARG6` fory Note, on a refufal to pay. 78.158. si E If ' ¤ I IJfdI¢¢• x9is·1i€`é mu. of Exchange mu be CAVEAT EMPTOR. deemed payment, and where not. ico. THE zpaxim of Caveat Emptor only im. 335.6, app ie: to real ellatee; b·:t th Though on one fatisfaéion can be polfellion and [ale of chattels is (trout S recovered, execution foreoih may ill`u.e evidence of ownerlhip. gt in all the a&ions brought againft the CERT IORARI. fever;1 parties to a promi|I`¤r)· nvm- sc; 3%/3;,,, efjlu p,,_.,,_ p,.,,_q;,,_ 115 - · v , ln an adion by the indorfor (the ('Hl;c1;L;?lI':f`$}'ES' payee) againil: the acceptor of a bill of · · 1 I etching-¤,wi»se1. had been remaitame CHA I 1 ELS- _ endorfed, the mere pollelliun of the bill The poileilion of Qhattele is llrong and proteil is not fuEcient evidence I evidence Iof ownerihip, and on the that the plaintiff had paid the iuble- aéi: of felling them alone, if it turns out quant indorfee, which mul he proved otherwife, the value may be recovered ro entitle him to recover. [44 from the fellcr. 9! Au aclion cannot be maintained in CIRCUIT the name of an indorfee, upon a pro- scc ]·‘,_g,·,,[ (;,,,m_ miifory note not payable to order. 250 C[‘]_‘[ZENSHH>_ Promiifory Notes are not entitled to SM Cay; ,J A.*_"m”__“”“ the fam · pr'or't f payment aa Bills of — " ` _ " ` Excl1au§e,iiia|cii:rl`e of adminifttatiuu; CLERK OF TH" _ ‘MAY0R’S the aéi putting thofc clifcounted at the COU R l. . Bzmltof Pcnnlylvania on the fame foot- See M,q_`·¤r’; Cgyrf, ing, only applies to the cafe of defal- (_jL()']_‘H]NG_ ¤··=i¤¤- M3- 4· scc sm. M. ·. The blank indorfement of a bill of J exchange puiTes aH the intercfl in the hill to every indorfee in fucccL'.¤n, dif- What