Page:United States Reports, Volume 2.djvu/499

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I N D E X. nil:. hingiueouliltentwiththeprefentstate PATERSON, W[LL]A_M_ auititution. 37o to 573. . Se ,_ · N¤¤R¤- Pruitt. See Maller ud Senna!. sc, Pan NEUTR ALS. PAYMENT. See dh' lg. Blllsof Exehangeaeeepted at pep NEW 'IJKIAL. ` fw;. y¤’li_l‘¢¤i¤;§£f¤ demand on a In what cafes the court will grant °° * *" '°" °"*Y· mf- "*• or refufe nevztriala. 55,6. ra; whlmm N P:7';°*:•3 Where etc of the jury, in an aétion · · · • for a tart, fet down a particular fum, PEDIGREE• for damages, and dividing the aggre· See E-uideue. gate by the number ofjurytnen found PERJURY, the prouud in damages, the court did he _g7,.,,;,,_ not think it caufe for a new trial. 55 POOR _ A mocion fora new trial lhould not Au md: of ‘._ he made after a motion in arreft of in I P.: t‘::ng¤Gc°;::“:;°;,°='°: Judgmf-t' . in ug er Dublin? confirmed on a peel to Notice of a motion for a new mal, {P gem lib .

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N PRO . - b - - s·· r;·¤i··· 1E`§`£'¤Z`I1. SZ? 'I1.“".t°‘&;$.Z. NO'1 ICE. town. at;. Alli eof a bond ouvht togiveno- An eleélion of {ix new members, KN .» tice to the obligor; but there is no po- half-ynrly, from among the Guarch- litive law that requires n Erik allignee ans of the Poor, to fuptrintend the to notify: fubfequent one. 49. 50 Alma-Houfe and I-Ioufe of Employ- What notice is neeelfary in the cafe ment, is good, though there had been of non·payment of Bills of Exchange aufage to elec} only three new mem- and Promilfory Notes. 78. r 58. 191 hers. 224. 0 hm of t d dg: POST LIMINII. n w n me o pro nee s · _ snd papers fhould he turved; and dill

 Under what circumllnncds the Court

0FF[CE_COPY-_. pg-idgsxglty wall grant ¢;r9r¤·f:fe as Sec Evhfenee. A · l - · Z . ` prnze l"chooncr,1na fh n r _ crrgcnéggitrnn. ..;....., ......... .. .. ..»§f'L.‘.E..?§?. ec ' ee- o the appellant, bef ` ()RPHAN’g cmmr. nn.d...¤..¤..n .:t1...§;Zu:5P nwlzi gc, p,“;;,,_ ltisquellionahlc, whether the Su- OUTLAWRY. preme C•ur: can ilfue writ: of mach- IN a procefs of outlawry, it is neceli- mt fbqmz ° f°bP°’"°· m°° fary to {tate the townlhip of which In Tzu? ly' th C .u 4·l‘ the defendant was inhabitant; but if n W af °'if“ . cd1.°un wl wmv he is proved to have been there, it is {uc zsau c' iuwgn $1* °r even pur fuieient, though not his placeof rdi- I-:“u:°t dc cgtiassd lgam a ru °

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Wht.dd" 'fli'nt' . .‘ ' ‘ an °*.'°u`;la:;;l' " “ °" "‘ “ Pg'; c cgut uotwtthftandnng the aglszf — ln what cafes the Court will grunt.

 ' Ol" rcfufe IWW {Fill!. I    

WHETHER tenant by the curtcfy Ellates for Info, taken in execution, is intltlcd to awritof Partition may be fold, without holding an in- ogainlt tenants in common feized of quell. on their value. 75. 6. 7. ellaten for life, or iu fee. :5 7. Rule