Page:United States Reports, Volume 2.djvu/86

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Surname Coun? of Pemgglvatua.

September Term 1 7 66. 1-¤ "·' S'!`A¢KHOUSK’S Lelfee, wfm Snexnouss. IS was an E1e&¤:¤' t brought by Stacllvuyé, H13 I hisbrntherjfyepb 3'¢¢u·ll•oag/&,for2g;¢¤¤and 74 lgmehes land, which heelaimed inllead of noo acree,uud¤r the fol-· lowing claufe in t]1eirfat]1er’swill:“ Ido give andbequeath unmm fonjq2pbSt¤cl·5:Ek, his heirsanda{lig11s,a certain piece¤f’land,to be taken rbeealtend ofmtyplantationjcin. ingm IVIEu• Paxt•u?.rlaud,to belaidoutas olloweth ; tan be- ginatthe {aid Pnxtodrland andthe foutlzline, andnornnalong as it islaid out weltward,-untilit come at thedimhof the mea- dow £e¤ee,tlne¤ tofollowthefaid fenceas it nowflands,t¤talte inthelittlemeadowand the field; thenalong the northward line ofmy land toFVH6amPa.zd•u°.r land aforcfaid; then b dt faid Paxtavfs line to the place of beginning ; fuppofed to be a- bout 1oo acres, be it more or lefs." yu: was willing to allow his brother 1 7l acres and Q0  ; but innlled that be was fo entitled, agreably to the delignated boundaries of the devife, toincludc a piece of hind, containin 43 acres and 144perehes, that jutted out to the fouthward cfg the meadow fence : And be olfered parol teiiimony to explain the meaning of the will. Foradmitting the tellimony, the following authorities were addueed: 2 Ven:. 152. 648. 736. 517. 593. 5 Ca. 68. Fm. mg 292. 477. (The judgment in l·}·e¢·num were reverfed 1 Vent. 341 : But for another reafon) 9 Abd. ro. 2 I'. IVm:. 4Y9· *35- In exelalion of the tettimony were cited, 4. Rep. .4; Wu. title levy} 188. 190. 195. Sra. 1262. 1 Sell-. 234. 2 Ven:. 62; 2 Vern. 93. g Ca. Cbqnrfr ay}. I2 Mal. 183. 2 P. Wm:. 318. to Md. p8. 3 P. W ms. 51. L. Raya. 438. 3 Cb. Rep. 17e. 176. 183. 2 Bac. Air. 3og. 2 Fam. 98. 337. Ca. lem). Idb. 2.,0. 1 Bmvul. 132. IQ Ven. xg;. 2 P. Wim. 41g. 2 Eg. C4. Ahn 426. 2 Bam. H8. nl . ,_ ' g