Page:United States Reports, Volume 209.djvu/116

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OCTOBER TEKM? 1907. O!tn? of the Coqm. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON AI?.D QUINCY RAILWAY PANY? PETITIONER, v. UNITED STATES. CERTIORARI TO TH? C?RCUIT C?OURT OF APPEALg FOR THE EIGHTH CIRCUIT. ?qo. ?2. 8ubmlCted g&uum? 22, lg(}9.--l?k?ed March 15, 10?8. Decided ca the authority of A?our Pad'/? Co?10an v v. Un/t?d ?, a?, p. 56. Tsr facts are stated in the opinionJ Mr. Frank Haqerman, Mr. 3. C.. Cowin, Mr. A. R. Urion, Mr. Henry Ve?k?' and Mr. M. W. Borders for petitioners. The Attorney General, Mr. Milton D. Purdy, Assistant t? the Attorney General, and Mr. A. S. Van Valkenburgh, United States Attorney, for the United States. MR. JUSTICE DAY delivered the opinion of the court. The counsel for the petitioner and the Solicitor General for the United States having filed a stipulation in writing in this cause, agreeing to abide the result of the Packing Company cases just decided (Nos. 467, 468, 469 and 470), it is hereby ordered that the judgment of the Circuit Court of Appeals in this case be Affirmed. MR. JUSTICE MOODY took no part in the disposition of this .?IR. Jus?cs BR?,WER'S dissent in Armor' Pack/ng Co. v. United States, ante, p. 56, applied slso to this case.