Page:United States Reports, Volume 209.djvu/125

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209 U. 8. O!iaion of ths Oour?. "The following persons, iI not a?gy &cffzsrsd are entitled to practice law in the eourta of the Philippine Islan&: "1. Those who have been. duly licensed under the laws and orders of the islands under the sovereignty of Spain or of the United States and are in good and regular standing as mem- bers of the bar of the Philippine Islands at the time of the adop- tion of this code. "2. Those who are hereafter licensed in the manner herein pre?er?." ' It will be perceived that the ,?pplicants must be "in good and regular standing as members of the bar of the Philippine tion does not &pply to plaintiff in error. The Civil Code was enscted August 7, 1901, to take effect September 1, 1901. He had been denied permission to pra?ce law by the Supreme Court of the Philippines on July 2?, 1901, upon the ground .that he did not possess the political qualifications required by law. He was not, therefore, st the date of the adoption of the code in good and regul?,' st?,nding as a member of the b?r. It is true � declares "these who h?ve been duly licenell under the laws and orders of the islands, under the sovereignty of Spa?n," etc., are entitled to practice law, but tlmt applies only to persons "not specially deeis?ed ineligible," and plain- tiff in error was declared ineligible beesuse & citizen or sub- ject of ,, foreign government. l?eference nmy well be m?ie in this connection to � of the s?t, which reads.: "Any resident of the Philippine Isl?ds, ? o! e?y ?ore? go?m?, of the sge of twenty-three yesrs, of good moral el?uu?ter, and who poesesses the necesssry �q?,?lific?tions of learning and ability, is entitled to admisaien as a member of the bar of the islands Aad to practice as such Section 19 pro?ides for the admission without examination of any resident, ? ? ? or ?[?t