Page:United States Reports, Volume 209.djvu/321

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209 U.S. Opinion o! the'Court. fraudulent and simulated titles. No reference was made in the bill, except inferentially, to the property which had been transferred to the complainant by the agreement and which had been put in her name in virtue of the decree of registry.. The bill contained an allegation that a copy of the agreement could not be produced because it had been concealed from the complainant, and also contained a charge that the mother had refused to deliver to the complainant the property which had 'been transferred to her by such agreement. The prayer of the bill was for a decree recognizing complainant as the abeolute owner of one-half the property described in the bill, that is, that which had been transferred to the mother; the annulmerit of the decree of the District Court of Porto Rico, executing the agreement; the erasure of the inscriptions of title result- ing therefrom, and for the annulmerit of the sale to Burset, and all the transfers of title by sale, mortgage or otherwise conse- quent thereon. Shortly afterwards the bill was amended by detailed averments, charging that the proceedings in the Dis- trict Court of Porto Rico for the registry of the title were wholly void, that they were instituted by Cuadra in the name of the complainant without authority and with full knowledge on his part that she did not accept the agreement, and conse- quently not only that decree but the affirmance thereof by the Supre me Court of Porto Rico were without effect upon the rights of th6 complainant. In accordance with these averments a prayer was inserted, asking that the decrees of beth the Porto Rican courts and the registry of title consequent thereon be held to be void. In addition it was prayed "that an account be taken of all the foregoing properties and assets [referring to the properties which had been allotted to the mother by the private agreement], and all other properties in which com- plalnant may have an interest; that a master be appointed to take such accounting and ascertain all the property, re?l? personal and mixed, belonging to the e?tate of Don Jos? Maria Rio? and Dona Manuela Gutman and Don Jo? Rios. y Gutman, and the participation or intercet therein which corresponds