Page:United States Reports, Volume 209.djvu/486

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4?0 OCTOBER TERM, 190?. O!?io? o? ?.. ?o?. 2? U. ?. ordered ? ?t ? ? de?, ? w? ? ?t ?p?. ?e op?on of ?e l?m? ?ct Ju?, a ?py of wMch ? ?ven ? the ?, ?ows t?t ?e ? ? ? op?on ? f? ? f? by ? ?m- m?o?r ?d? ?t ? Hop Fong &d ?t ? ? the U? S? ? ?dy t? ? ? ?d the ?glk?h ?e? ? a ?udent, ?d ?t such ?n? de? ? ? ent? ? f?th ? p?e ?ud[? ? a stu?nt, and ?r o?y; "? I ? of ?e op?on," "t?t ? ent? ?der the ce? mention? u?n the Un? S?, ?d ?ch Mm pm?t?on." He the?u?n a? the jud?nt of ?e ?mm?on?. Su?uently, ?d ?r ?jo?ent of ?e ? at wMch ?tion w? ? for a new t?] u?n the ? ?d a?M sub?t? on ?half of Liu Hop Fo?, ?d w?e the jud?e ?co? t?t he ? no fu?her ?wcr over the afar the ?joumment of the co? for the ?, u?n ?v? tilt[on ?he? ? h?s fo?cr op?on ? ? the o?er of de- ?at[on. We n? not ? ?n?m? ? th? pr? ?r ?e ?, for cle?ly the jud?'s au?o?ty over the ? ? endS. ?e question [s here u?n t? ? ?e i? the ?nal p? ?eding ?fo? him. W? ?e jud? wa?an? ? ? the o?er of de?at[on? By the thi? ?ction ? ?e t?ty ?th C? of ?m?r 8, 1? (? S?t. 121?), it ? pm?d?: "?e p?o? of t? ?nvention ? not ? the ?ht at pre?nt enjoy? of C? ?b?, ?g o?c?, ?ache?, student, merch? or tmvele? for c?ity or pl?, but not la?m, of ?m?n? ?sid?g the?. To entitle such CMn? subjec? ? a?-a? descend ? adm?ion M? the U? S?, they may p? du? a ce?i? from their Eovemment or the ?ve?t whe? they ?t ?id?, ? by ?e ?p]o?tic or