Page:United States Reports, Volume 209.djvu/540

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OCTOBER TERM? 1907. COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA v. STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA. IN E?urrY. Form of de?ee announoed ?ay 4. IgOr. Order referring c?use to m?er aad direeting conditions under which test? . mony shall be taken and master shall report to this court. Defemdant's demurmr having been overruled, 206 ?. S. 290, 322, and ?esxdant having answered, both conlp?,?,,a?t and deIeadant submitted and sustained by argument forms o! de?ree referring the cause to a ? tel l M?. ?///gmn A. Anderson, Attorney General of the State of V'n-ginia, and .Mr. Randolph H?,?son, ?or complainant: The differences go rather to matters of procedure than to ? Complshumt's dr?ft of deere referring the cause to a master. This muse coming on this day to be heard upon the eomp?-i--?'s bill and the ?xhiMt? fil?d therewith, the ?nswer of the defendant, with th? ?x- hlbit? filed therewith, ?md the general reph,'c?tion filed by the compt-i.?% thereto, w? argued by counsel. On consideration whereof it is adjudged, ordered, ?ad decreed tlmt thi? c?u?e be referred to -- --, who i? hereby �ppointed a ? master herein, who, after giving not lees than ten days' notice to the partim of the time? and pla?ee fixed by him, from time to ? for executing this decree,will without delay ascertain and report to the oourt: I. The ?mount of the public debt of the Commonwealth of Vir?nia a? of the ? day of January, 1861, stating specifically, how and in what form the ?ame w9? evldenoed, by wliat authority of law and for what putpotato the same wa? created, and the dates and nature of the bonds or other evid?m?m of said indebtedue? H. What amount and proportion of said indebtednero sad of the interest aacrued the?on should in equ?t F be apportioned to and be now paid by the State of Weet V'nqiuia. (Complainant subeeq;mmtly sus? the following sube?itute for par? graph H.) II. What is the just amount and proportion of said debt, ineludlng the in- tenet thereon, which should now be apportioned to, and pahi by, t?e State