Page:United States Reports, Volume 209.djvu/542

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deem deairable of the boche of account, documents, and public record? of either State relating to the inquiries he is di?cted to make, and to cause copies thereof or extracts the?from to he made for nse in r?lri? up his All publithed records published by authority of the Commonwealth of Virginia prior to the ercation of the Stats of West Virginia and all papers and documents and other matter constituting parts of the public ? and record? of Virginia prior to the partition of her territory which, in the juclg- meat of the master, may be relevant and pertinent to any of said inquiries, or copies thereof, if duly authenticated, may he used in evidence and con- sidered by the master. The public acts and records of the two Stat? since the creation of the Stats of.We?t V'u-ginia shall he evidence if pertinent and duly authenticated; but all such testimony tendered by either party d?all he ?ubject to proper legal exception as to its competency. The master is empowered to summon any persons whose testimony he or either party may deem to he material, and to cause their depositions to he taken before him or by a notary public or other officer authorized to take the same, after reasonable notice to the adverse party. (2) The master is authorized and empewemd to employ such accountants, stenographers, or other clerical assistance as he may ?nd it desirable to em- ploy, and to secure such rooms or offices es he may require, in order to the prompt and efficient execution of this order of reference, and to agree with such accountants and stenographers, typewriters, and the owner of such room or rooms for such compensation to he made to therp. as the ma?ter may consider reasonable and just. He is authorized to direct their compen- sation to he paid out of the funds to he deposited to the credit of this cause. (3) The complainant will cause the sum of three thousand dollars to he deposited with the marshal of this court to the credit of this cause, on an- count of the costs and expenses of executing this decree and of this suit, and the complainant will cause such further sums as may be necessary to defray the cc?ts and expenses of executing this decree to he from time to time in like manner deposited with said marshal. In the event that the defendant shall desire any special statement or accounts to be made, she shall in like mauner, before the taking of any such account or the making of such special statement, cause the sum of -- dollars to he dopceited with the marshal. And the mazter is authorized from time to time to draw upon the funds so depcaited by Virginia for the compensation of the accountants and other clerical assistants whom he may employ, and for any other ecets or expense, including stationery, printing, and more rent, which it may in his judgreent be necessary to he incurred in promptly and efficiently executing this order of reference or making up any special statement or accounts a?ked for by the plalnti?, and the same will be charg? up a? part of the compiai?ant's