Page:United States Reports, Volume 209.djvu/545

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209 U.S. Ar?,m_?t for (]ompla[n?nt. anthor/ty of law and for what purpo? the same was created, and the datee and nature of the bonds or other evidences of said indebtedness." and report whaf?2r there is included in enid es?tificate?, or in ?uy of them, the interest, or any part of the interest, which had accrued on the portion of said publio debt refunded by the Commonwealth of V'h-ginla, and if what w? tha total amount of ?uch interest and at what rate it w? reck- oned. VI. It is further ordered and deereeel that the n?er ? ? ancl re- port what amount, ff any, of the bonds or other evldenees of debt i?ued by the Commonwealth of Virginia under the act of March 30, 1871, wa? ?uhee- quently ?urrendercd by the holders thereof and exchanged for other bonde or evidanoes of debt issued under the acte of 1879, 1882, and 189'2, and if such ?xchanges were ma?e, the master will ascertain and report what rate of interest wa? a&,rcod to be paid upon such new bonds or evide?loes of debt. VII. It is further ordered and decreed that the Commonwealth of Virginia and the State of West Virginia shall each produee before the m?ter ?11 such record, looks, papers, and public documents as may be in their poesexton or under their control, and which may, in kis judgment, he pertinant to the �card inqu?iez and accounts or any of them. And the nm?ter is authorized to make or cauae to be made such ex?mlna- tion as he may deem dasirable of the books of account, vouchere, documante, and public records of either State relating to the inq?liries he is herein d? meted to make, and to cause eopias thereof or extracte therefrom to he made for use in making up his report. All public records published by authority of the Commonwealth of Vir- ginin prior to the seventeenth day of April, 1861, and all papers and docu- mente and other matter constituting parts of the public filas and records of �'?in?a prior to the date aforesaid which in the juc?nent of the nm?ter may he relevant and pertinent to any of said inquiries, or copies thereof, if duly authenticated, may be used in evidence and considered by the ms?ter, but all such evidence shall be subject to exceptions to ite competency. Th? public acte and records of the two States since the admission of West' ginin into the Union shall he evidence, if pertinent and duly authe?lticated, but all such evidence tendered by either party shall be ?bject to proper ? exceptions to its competency. The macter i? empowered to summon any persons whose testimony ha or either party may deem to be material, and to cause their depoeition? to he taken Before him, or by a notary public or other officer authorized to take the same, after reasonable notice to the adverse party. The mazter is authorized and empowered to employ such ?tenographere ? other clerical assistante as he may find it deeirable to employ in order