Page:United States Reports, Volume 209.djvu/571

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2ce U. ?. I)?m?lon? on Petitiota for Writs of ?rttora? No. 646. RICKEY LAND & CA?PL=. COMPANY, t?ITIuONER, ?. MILLER ?D Lux; and No. 653. Rlcx?.� L?,?D & CA?rL? CO'?- P?NV, P?rmONF. a, ?. HEm?V WOOD ?r ?L. March 9, 1908. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States Circuit COurt of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit granted. Mr. P?ede? D. McKe?n? for petitioner. Mr. W. B. Trea?we? for rcepon- dent in No. 646. No appearance for respondents in No. 653. No. 519. HARPER M. OldHOOD, PETITIONER, ?. ARTHUR M. EPPSTEIN, TRUSTEE. March 9, 1908. Petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denitqi. Mr. Harve? R/dde//for petitioner. Mr. $imoa Woi] and Mr. M?er Cohe? for respondent. No. 613. Tm? C?,r?,?, CO?L & COx=. Co?m-v, PEuu?o?ER, v. Doc W. Sm-roN. March 9, 1908. Petition for a writ of cer- tiorari to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied. Mr. Ho/mas Co?rad for petitioner. Mr. N. W. Fi? for re,pendent. No. 645. HZI?SON' COI,h--za, Prrrriolsza, v. MissOVal, SAS & T?x?s P,?,.wAr CO,?'?-,?r. March 9, 1908. Petition for s writ ?f certiorari to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.. Mr. W?l?am for petitioner. Mr. (?eo?e P. B. Jack, on for respondent. No. 636. 8cav?os, VAm?vOOwr ? B?s?r?r Day Ooom Co?rr, P?TIo?r?, v. TRz U?u?=.D ?rA??S.'. March 16,