Page:United States Reports, Volume 209.djvu/575

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209 U.S. Deei?ons on Petitions for Writs of C?ftimm?. orari to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Sev- enth Circuit denied. Mr. John J. Lordan and Mr. John Barton Pa!tne for petitioner. Mr. John J. Herr/ck and Mr. John P. W//?on for respondents. No. 693. Taz N?w Yo?x, Nzw ttxvzN & HAarro?D Ram- t?OAD CoMP?u-?Y,.Pzr?r?o?za, v. T? STEAMSHIP WERDENFELSv ?rc. Api51 20, 1908. Petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied. Mr. James J. Macklin and Mr. LaRo!l S. Gore for peti- tioner. Mr. Charl? C. Burlingham for respondent. No. 701. G?oRaz B. C?RIS?E ?r ?,L., ?rc., Pz?rr?o?s, ?. T?z FANr S?EAMSHIP COMPANY. April 20, 1?08. Petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Circuit Court of Ap- peals for the Fifth Circuit denied. Mr. Duane E. Fox for peti- tioners. Mr. J. D. Rouse, Mr. W?///arn Grant and Mr. ?V?///am B. G?ant for respondent. No. 718. Gvs?Av HOLMOl?EN, P?TIONER, V. THE UNITED S?AVr?S. April 27, 1908. Petition for S writ of certiorari to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Cir- cuit granted. Mr. W?lliarn M. Madden for petitioner. The Attorn? (?znera/and The $o/'w/tor Genera/for respondent.