Page:United States Reports, Volume 209.djvu/577

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OCTOBER TERM, 1907. ?09 U.S. Dechions on Petitions for Writs of Cert/ce?L States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit granted. Mr. Ernest Macpherson for petitioner. Mr. Edmu? F. Trabu?, Mr. George DuRelle and Mr. Attilla Cox, Jr., for respondent in No. 714, and Mr. Al?and? Pop? Humphrey for respondefits in No. 715. No. 731. T?E UNITED S'rAq?8, I"ET1TIONER, V. JOHN W. Dxc?- nVSON. May 4, 1908. Petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the First Circuit granted. The Attorney General and The $ol'w?r Geaeral for petitioner. Mr. Frank W. Hackett and Mr. Samuel L. Power? for respondent. No. 719. G. & C. MERRIAM COMPANY, PETITIONER, V. GEORGE W. OOmWE. May 4, 1908. Petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the First Circuit denied. Mr. W.. B. Hale, Mr. Charles 5 r. J?lson and Mr. Frank F. Reed for petitioner. No appearanco{: for respond- ent. No. 726. GRACE GLEASON ET AL., PETITIONERS, V. THE DELA- WARE, LACKAWANNA ? ?/YESTERN ?,AILROAD COMPA?I?. May .4, 1908. Petition for a writ of certiorari to the United ?tates Circuit Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denie([. Joh? W. Grgggs for petitioners. Mr. Joh? G. Johnson for re- spondent. No. 732. LEMERT S. COOK, PETITIONER, V. THE UNITED S?ATES. May 4? 1908.' Petition for a writ of ?ertiorari to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied. Mr. A. M. Imb ri? for petitioner. The Attom? G?r?ral and The Solicitor General for respondent.