Page:United States Reports, Volume 24.djvu/300

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ever, another person than the defendant, Reinicker, was admitted in the ejectment suit to defend as the landlord of the property in question. He declared himself the landlord in claiming to defend as such; and the plaintiffs in ejectment, not denying his pretension in that respect, have acceded to his representation of himself, and must now be bound by it, and are estopped from saying that any other person was landlord. Reinicker, therefore, can in no wise be connected with the ejectment suit; and, at all events, the recovery there is not conclusive against him, that the lessors of the plaintiff are the proper claimants of the mesne profits. They must prove themselves the heirs entitled to the land, and to the mesne profits, as the result of that proof. The case from 3 Campb. Rep. 455. does not establish the plaintiffs’ positions on these heads. The decision there was on another point; and the reasoning of it shows, that the party liable for the mesne profits must be a trespasser. The action for mesne profits will lie only where trespass quare clausum fregit would lie. According to that principle, Reinicker could not, by mere force of notice in pais of the suit, be held liable for the mesne profits.

3. The case as to the amended declaration is clear of all the learning respecting the mode of taking advantage of a variance between the declaration and the writ. The variance there meant, is not such a departure from the writ as in this case, as it effects an entire change of suit. and substitutes, in reality, a new suit, for