Page:United States Reports, Volume 60.djvu/27

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Ex Parte Secombe.

District of Columbia,

County of Washington, ss:

Then comes before me, personally, David A. Secombe, the above and foregoing named petitioner, and being by me duly sworn, deposes and says, that the statements made in the above and foregoing petition, by him subscribed, are true of his own knowledge, except to those matters therein stated on his information or belief; and as to those matters, that he believes them to be true.


N. Callan, J. P.

Supreme Court,

Territory of Minnesota:

Ordered, That Isaac Van Etten, Theodore Parker, De Witt C. Cooley, David A. Secombe, William H. Welch, Charles L. Willis, Lucas R. Stannard, Edward L. Hall, Warren Bristol, and William H. Wood, be sworn and admitted to practice as attorneys and counsellors at law and solicitors in chancery of this court.

I, George W. Prescott, clerk of the Supreme Court above named, certify that the above is a true copy of an order of said court, entered of record upon the “minutes of court” for and upon the 9th day of July, A. D. 1852, being the 4th day of the general term of said court for said year.


In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Supreme Court, at St. Paul aforesaid, this 7th day of May, A. D. 1856.

George W. Prescott, Clerk.

Supreme Court,

Territory of Minnesota:

January General Term, A. D. 1856, 17th Day, Tuesday Morning, February 5, 1856.

Court met pursuant to adjournment.

Present, Chief Justice Welch and Justice Chatfield.

It appearing to this court that David A. Secombe, one of the attorneys thereof, has by his acts as such in open court, at the present term thereof, been guilty of a wilful violation of the second subdivision of section seven of chapter ninety-three of the revised statutes of this Territory, and also of a violation of that part of his official oath as such attorney by which he was sworn to conduct himself with fidelity to the court: It is therefore

Ordered, That the said David A. Secombe be and he hereby is removed from his office as an attorney and counsellor of this