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IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT—Continued. 3. Deportation—Request for asylum—Persecution on account of political opinion.—A guerrilla organization’s attempt to coerce a person into performing military service does not necessarily constitute “persecution on account of . . . political opinion” under § 101(a)(42) of Act justifying a grant of asylum. INS v. Elias-Zacarias, p. 478. IMMUNITY FROM SUIT. See Civil Rights Act of 1871, 1; Equal Access to Justice Act; Federal Tort Claims Act, 1. INDIAN GENERAL ALLOTMENT ACT OF 1887. See Taxes. IN FORMA PAUPERIS. See Supreme Court, 4. INJUNCTIONS. See Financial Institutions Supervisory Act of 1966; Stays. INTERSTATE COMMERCE. See Constitutional Law, II; Standing. INVASIONS OF PRIVACY. See Freedom of Information Act. JAIL CONDITIONS. See Consent Decrees. JONES ACT. Harbor workers as seamen.—A maritime worker whose occupation is one of those enumerated in Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act may be a seaman within meaning of Jones Act and thus entitled to bring suit under Jones Act for injuries caused by an employer’s negligence. Southwest Marine, Inc. v. Gizoni, p. 81. JUDGES. See Civil Rights Act of 1871, 1. JUDICIAL IMMUNITY. See Civil Rights Act of 1871, 1. JURISDICTION. See also Financial Institutions Supervisory Act of 1966; Labor, 1. Courts of appeals—Notice of appeal.—A document intended to serve as an appellate brief may qualify as notice of appeal required by Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 3. Smith v. Barry, p. 244. JURY INSTRUCTIONS. See Constitutional Law, III, 1. LABOR. 1. Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959—Labor Management Relations Act, 1947.—A union member who sues his local union for money damages under Title I of LMRDA is entitled to a jury trial; under § 301(a) of LMRA, District Court had jurisdiction over breachof-contract suit brought by a union member against local union. Wooddell v. Electrical Workers, p. 93.