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ORDERS 502 U. S.


January 27, 1992

granted. Certiorari granted limited to Question 1 presented by the petition. Reported below: 584 So. 2d 1367. No. 91–810. City of Burlington v. Dague et al. C. A. 2d Cir. Certiorari granted limited to the following question: “May a court, in determining a reasonable attorney’s fee award under § 7002(e) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, 90 Stat. 2826, as amended, 42 U. S. C. § 6972(e), or § 505(d) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act), 86 Stat. 889, as amended, 33 U. S. C. § 1365(d), enhance the fee award above the lodestar amount in order to reflect the fact that the attorneys had taken the case on a contingent-fee basis, thus assuming the risk of receiving no attorney’s fees at all?” Reported below: 935 F. 2d 1343. No. 91–971. Two Pesos, Inc. v. Taco Cabana, Inc. C. A. 5th Cir. Certiorari granted limited to Question 1 presented by the petition. Reported below: 932 F. 2d 1113. Certiorari Denied No. 90–1499. Rowland, Director, California Department of Corrections, et al. v. Thompson et al. C. A. 9th Cir. Certiorari denied. Reported below: 915 F. 2d 1383. No. 90–7940. Roy v. Illinois. App. Ct. Ill., 4th Dist. Certiorari denied. Reported below: 201 Ill. App. 3d 166, 558 N. E. 2d 1208. No. 91–487. Larson v. Minnesota. Sup. Ct. Minn. Certiorari denied. Reported below: 472 N. W. 2d 120. No. 91–576. Schneider et al. v. United States et al. C. A. 7th Cir. Certiorari denied. Reported below: 936 F. 2d 956. No. 91–589. GAF Corp. v. United States. C. A. Fed. Cir. Certiorari denied. Reported below: 932 F. 2d 947. No. 91–605. Cherif et al. v. Securities and Exchange Commission. C. A. 7th Cir. Certiorari denied. Reported below: 933 F. 2d 403. No. 91–630. Rice et al. v. United States. C. A. 9th Cir. Certiorari denied. Reported below: 937 F. 2d 614.