Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/287

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Packages missing subjecting the master to a broken, the master or commander of such ship or vessel shall forfeit and pay for every such box, trunk, chest, cask or package so missing, or of which the seals shall be broken, two hundred dollars. And it shall also be lawful for the inspectors who may be put on board of any ship or vessel, to secure after sunset in each evening,Hatches of respective vessels to be secured after sunset, the hatches and other communications with the hold of such ship or vessel, with locks or other proper fastenings, which fastenings shall not be opened, broken or removed, until the morning following, or after the rising of the sun, and in presence of the inspector or inspectors by whom the same shall have been affixed, except by special license from the chief officer of the port. And if the said locks or other fastenings, or any of them, shall be broken or removed during the night,and forfeiture for opening them in the night. or before the said rising of the sun, or without the presence of the said inspector or inspectors, the master or person having the charge or command of such ship or vessel, shall forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred dollars.

Report of the cargo delivered to be compared with the entry thereof,Sec. 32. And be it further enacted, That when the delivery of goods, wares or merchandise from on board of any such ship or vessel at any port shall have been completed, the accounts or entries which shall have been kept or made thereof by the officer or officers who shall have been charged with superintending the said deliveries, shall be reported to the collector of the district, who, together with the naval officer, where there is one, or alone where there is none, shall compare the said accounts and entries with the entry or entries which shall have been made by the owner or owners, consignee or consignees, his, her or their factor or agent. And if any difference shall appear,and result to be endorsed on the entry. the same shall be noted by endorsement on such entry or entries, specifying the particulars thereof; and if no difference shall appear, it shall be noted by like endorsement, that the deliveries have corresponded with the entry; which endorsement or memorandum shall in each case be subscribed by the officer or officers by whom such comparison shall have been made, and by the officer or officers under whose inspection the said deliveries shall have been executed.

Goods to be taken by the collector 15 days after report made by master of vessel,Sec. 33. And be it further enacted, That if at the expiration of fifteen working days after the time within which the report of the master or person having the charge or command of any ship or vessel, is required to be made to the collector of a district as aforesaid, there shall be found on board any goods, wares or merchandise, other than shall have been reported for some other district or a foreign port or place, the said inspector or inspectors shall take possession thereof, and deliver the same to the order of the collector of the district, taking his receipt therefor, and giving a certificate thereof to the master or person having such charge or command of such ship or vessel, describing the packages and their marks and numbers. And the said goods shall be keptwho shall keep them 9 months, and if not then claimed, to have them appraised and sold at auction, and pay the net proceeds into the treasury of the United States; with due and reasonable care at the charge and risk of the owner or owners for a term of nine months; and if within that time no claim be made for the same, the said collector shall procure an appraisement thereof by two or more reputable merchants, to be certified under their hands, and to remain with him, and shall afterwards cause the said goods to be sold at public auction, and retaining the duties and charges thereon, shall pay the overplus, if any there be, into the treasury of the United States, there to remain for the use of the owner or owners, who shall upon due proof of his, her or their property, be entitled to receive the same;such goods not to be appraised if entered, but sold if of a perishable nature.
Limitation of 15 days not to extend to vessels laden with salt or coal,
and the extra wages of the inspectors to be paid by the master.
and the receipt or certificate of the collector shall exonerate the master or commander from all claim of the owner. Provided, That where any entry shall have been duly made of such goods, the same shall not be appraised; and that where such goods are of a perishable nature, they shall be sold forthwith. Provided further, That the said limitation of fifteen days shall not extend to ships or vessels laden with salt or coal; but if the said master or owner of any such ship or vessel