Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/747

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corporate towns or places, by lot, the marshal shall receive for the use of the officers employed in summoning the jurors and returning the venire, the sum of two dollars, and for his own trouble in distributing the venire, the sum of two dollars; for attending the supreme or circuit court, five dollars per day;[1] and for attending the district court, where such court has the powers and cognizance of a circuit court, five dollars per day; and for attending the district courts in other cases, four dollars per day, and at the rate of ten cents per mile, for his travel from the place of his abode to either of the said courts—for all other services, not herein enumerated, except as shall be hereafter provided, such fees and compensations as are allowed in the supreme court of the state where such services are rendered: And the annual sum of two hundred dollars as a full compensation for all extra services, shall be allowed to 1803, ch. 7, sec. 5. each marshal for the districts of Tennessee, Kentucky, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine.

Sec. 2. Manner of deputy marshal’s taking the oath of office, when he resides at a distance from the district judge.And be it further enacted, That when a deputy marshal, who shall be duly appointed by the marshal of any district, shall reside and be more than twenty miles from the place where the district judge of such district shall reside and be, the oath of office required of such deputy, before he enters on the discharge thereof, may be administered and taken by and before any judge or justice of any state court within the same district, or before any justice of the peace, having authority therein, and being certified by him, to the said district judge, shall be as effectual as if administered or taken before such district judge.

Sec. 3. Compensation for the clerks of the courts of the United States.And be it further enacted, That the compensation to the clerk of the supreme court of the United States, shall be as follows, to wit: for his attendance in court, ten dollars per day, and for his other services, double the fees of the clerk of the supreme court of the state in which the supreme court of the United States shall be holden. To the clerks of circuit and district courts in each state, respectively, the same fees as are allowed in the supreme court of the said state, with an addition thereto of one third of said fees, and five dollars per day for his attendance at any circuit or district court, and at the rate of ten cents per mile for his travel from the place of his abode to either of said courts; and in case a clerk of a court of the United States perform any duty which is not performed by the clerks of the state, and for which the laws of the state make no provision, the court in which such service shall be performed, shall make a reasonable compensation therefor. And in all cases of admiralty jurisdiction, the clerk of the district court shall be allowed the same fees as are prescribed by the second section of an act, passed the first day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three, intituled 1793, ch. 20.An act to ascertain the fees in admiralty proceedings in the district courts of the United States; and for other purposes.”

Sec. 4. Compensation for the district attornies.And be it further enacted, That the compensation to the attornies of the respective districts of the United States, shall be as follows, to wit: for each day which any such attorney shall necessarily attend on business of the United States, during the session of any district or circuit court, five dollars; for travelling from the place of his abode to such court, ten cents per mile; and such fees in each state, respectively, as are allowed in the supreme court thereof; and in the district courts, his stated fees in the cases herein mentioned, shall be as follows, to wit: for drawing interrogatories, five dollars; for drawing and exhibiting libel, claim, or answer, six dollars; and for all other services in any one cause, six dollars. And the annual sum of two hundred dollars, as a full compensation for all extra services, shall be allowed and paid by the United

  1. An act to lessen the compensation for marshals, clerks, and attorneys, in the cases therein mentioned, April 18, 1814, chap. 79; an act to repeal in part an act entitled, “An act to lessen the compensation of marshals, clerks, and attorneys, in cases therein mentioned,” March 8, 1824, chap. 26.