Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/123

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THIRTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 109. 1852. 103 New Rrh, NY IT-To complete saw—mill, quay-wall, dredging chan- New York. nels, water-tank and lighter, gas-pipes and iixtures, lightning conductors, continuation of sewer, machinery, &c., for engine-house, and repairs pf all kinds, one hundred and twenty-six thousand eight hundred dollars. . Philaclehohia, Pennsylvania.- For shed to cover north railway, cover- Phii=¤l°lPhi¤· ing to south railway, steam-box and pitch-kettles, mooring anchors for dry dock, dredging channel, continuing pavement to wharf, cross-paving to smithery, and from thence to the dock —basin, paving round west end of ship-house, paving wharf number three to ship-house, paving between ways of dock, paving between timber sheds, completing gutters and drains, completing shed number five, extending gas-pipes, &c., extending water-pipes one thousand feet, and repairs of all kinds, twenty-eight thousand five hundred and seventeen dollars and twenty cents. Washington, District of Columbia.- For completing ordnance build- Wasningwn. ing number eleven, fitting up timber dock, completing saw-mill, completing copper··rolling mill, completing railway, completing side lathes in machine shop, and repairs of all kinds, one hundred and twenty-three thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight dollars. Norfolk, Wrginia.-F or storehouse number fourteen, wharf north side Norfolkof timber dock, culvert, dredging machine, and repairs of all kinds, eighty thousand seven hundred and thirty-two dollars and twenty cents. Pensacola, Florida.-Towards completing permanent wharf, to com- Pensacola. plete guard-house and kitchen, to complete yard railway and repair old track, to complete extension of central wharf, to rebuild east wall of cisteru number twenty-six, for icehouse, repairs of cisterns number fourteen and twenty-five, and repairs of all kinds, eighty-eight thousand and forty-four dollars. Memphis, Tennessee. — For pavements, drains and ditches, cisterns for Memphis ropewalk, hemp-house, store-house, (one wing,) complete, railing for vertical wall, and repairs of all kinds, forty-seven thousand and forty-three dollars and thirty-four cents. Saclcetfs Harbor, Mw Ybrh. -For repairs of all kinds, five hundred b0S¤<>k°¥¥’$ Hm'- dollars. r' For Hospitals: Hospitals, At Boston. - For repairs, five hundred dollars. Boston. At Mw .YE>r/c.-For fence round garden, repairs of buildings, paint- New York. ing, whitewashing, clearing up grounds, &.c., at hospital, and for completing fence and wall around the burial-ground, eight thousand nine hundred and ninety-three dollars. And to secure some proper place for the burial of seamen who die in the New York hospital, five thousand dollars. At Philadelphia Naval Asylum. -For introducing gas, painting main Philadelphia building inside, repairing and,painting wall, repairs to roof and dome, N°-Wl Asylumcleaning and whitewashing, cleaning and repairing grates and ranges, water-tax, shade trees, and repairs of all kinds, five thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars. At Washington.- For general repairs, four hundred dollars. Washinzlm- At Mrfolh. - For repairs of hospital and dependencies, five thousand Norfolk. dollars. At Pensacola. -·· For draining and filling up ponds, &c., two thousand Po¤¤¤>ol¤·- dollars. For Magazines: M¤s¤¤i¤¢¤· At Boston, two hundred dollars. At New York, one thousand dollars. At Washington, one hundred and fifty dollars. Marine Corps. Marine corps. For pay of officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians, privates, and servants serving on shore, subsistence for officers, and pay for undrawn