Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/602

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582 '1`HIRTYJIHIRD CONGRESS. Srzss. I. C11. 267. 1854. the act approved February third, one thousand eight hundred and fifty- three, entitled, "An act to continue half pay to certain widows and 0;-- phgnsjii shgll not Eds? cosstrucd gs to giprivi arlly wgidzw framljhe bq-;· uc ts t crcm gran or xc servuces o mr us zm t oug s c may have married again; Providefl, hawevevz, That the apélicant is u widpw at the time of making the clam: : Provzded, Such party shall not receive pension durinv coveturc. I Ewmqntgivo- Szc.·[4.] jindbe ityfurther enagted, That the §ecretary of War be, iggn f;`;r‘E)h§§g and he is hereby authorized and dnrccted to receive and cause to be benonc ofcemin placed on the files of his department, such additional muster-rolls of the ¤°** °fC°¤S*`°”· battalion of volunteers commanded by Lt. Col. J. C. Fremont in California, duly authenticated by the proper officers, as have not heretofore been received and Bled, and to gause sugh’corrections of the muster-rolls to be made in regard to the pcmods of mhstment and terms of service, and the omission of names of the members of said battalion, as upon satisfactory pr00fQ_hc may deem right am} proper, and ag far as practicable to.corresp<?nd wxyh the pay-rolls of Major P. B: Reading, paymaster of smd battahon, with respect to the period of SGTVICC, so that all who served in the military service of the United States in California; during the late war with Mexico, whether under the command of naval or military 0H1- cers, may be entitled to all the benefits of all the acts ‘of Convress providing for the enrolment of volunteers in the Mexican wm-: bPTO7;id8d, that no payment shall be made in consequence of this section, beyond the sum heretofore appropriated. V· l i . RG!g¤lr§<;;:I‘;5t SEO. And be ztfurt/wr cmzcicd, lhat the :]01Dt resolution cntxtlcd ‘ "A resolution explanatory of the act approprmtxng money for the rc- Anw, p. 260. moval of the raft of Red River," approved January seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, be and is hcreby repealed, and that the Secretary of gba Department of War be authorized to expend the appropriation in rccrcmcc to the Red River raft in such way und for such purposes as he may approve, having in view ,the improvcxguent of the navigation of Red River, in and around the said raft. public bum, Sm. And be itfurtlacr enacted, That in the event that the Sei¤s¤ in Kunw- crctury of War shall deem it inconsistent with the interests of the military service to furnish an sufficient; portion of the military buildings at Fort Leavenworth for the use of the territorial government of Kansas the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars shall be, and in that contingency ifuibx is €1]>pr0fPt1iiatrif1 {qt the ¢;`ri2tion of Fulglic buildéngs {'car tl;; ug? of c ems a ureo xc om oryo ansus o c expcn e un cr a nrcctions zf the governor of said '1`erritory. ’ Ivieuoxuomcs. Sec. [7.] And be it further enacted/1‘hat the sums appropriated by the m°»¤*¤· 1°°· the act of March third, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, for the removal and subsistence of the Manomonccs, and for the establishment of :1. ma.- nual lubqr school, &c.,.for them, and now remaining in the treasury, together with the sums for pay of a miller hcmtofbre z1pp1·0priated, be paid to or expended for the benefit of said Menomonee Indians zxccordirw to S f n th0Sstgpu;nti€g3 o;s3db;u_§>Ij;c?L:r;<;ntary a1;ddaxg<indat<;`ryhartiélcs. l e O f uwo o m E . . . n z r wr mac emt 0 t c appropriation 0 B:g‘;p‘;fy*h° M‘°' fifty thousand dollars " for continuing the Ropographical and hydrogmphical survey of the Delta of the Mississippi with such investigations as 18m'°h' 1w' may lcad to determine the most practicable {glam for securing it fiom inund:1tion," approved August thirty-first, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, the sum of five thousand dollars may be applied, under the special direction of the Secretary of \Vm·, to the payment of any cxpcnses coxincctcd with said survey and investigations, incurred prior to the first. of July, one thousand cirrht hundred and fifty-two. Reimburgcr Sec. 3. [9.] And be itfuizther enacted, That the Secretary of War

1*;]*;>¤- bg, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to examine into and ascertmn the amount of expenses incurred and now uctnmlly paid, by the