Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/705

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THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 201. 1855. 685 et such other points as shall be designated by the Postmaster-General: Provided, That the contract for the said service be advertised by the Postumster-General, in pursuance of existing laws, and let to the lowest bidder: And provided further, That the whole cost of said service shall not exceed the sum of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars per annum: Provided jhrlher, That the Postmaster-General may, if he shall deem it for the public interest, contract for said service with the lowest bidder as aforesaid, under the advertised proposals heretofore made for mail service between the points aforesaid. Sm. 4. And be it further enacted, That the right to frgnk letters and pmukaugpriv. documents, mow allowed by law to the Vice-President, be continued to iicgq of VM- those who have heretofore, or shall hereafter, hold that ofiiee, during I""s“l°"°°' life. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That all books, maps, charts, or other Copyright depublications, entered for copyright, and which, under the act of August 5s;?;;? ,:21 tenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, are required to be deposited in the 1846, d51y;;,` Library of Congress, and in the Smithsonian Institution, may be sent through the mails free of postage, under such regulations as the P0stmaster- General may prescribe. » S20. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Postmaster-General be, S¤m¤m°¤* °f and he is hcrcby, authorized, in the settlement of the accounts of the late $;°3§gt;0g£:;;: postmaster at `Waterville, Maine, to allow such sum, in addition to the mr. commissions which accrued at his office duriug~his term of service, as will make his compensation equal to one hundred and seventy-Eve dollars per quarter, and cover all such necessary items of incidental expenses ashave been usually incurred and allowed in a p0sh—0iHce of this class: Provided, however, That the whole compensation and expenses shall not exceed four hundred and twenty-five dollars per quarter. SEO. 7. And be it furiher emzcled, That the first Comptroller of the Qottlement of Treasury be instructed to examine the claim of William H.. Glover, and ‘gf;?“;;gYfh£: Thomas W. Mather, and their associates, and ascertain and allow such w, ygmm. damages as they are entitled to, in justice and equity, in consequence of the refusal of the Postmaster-General to carry into efect the contract. entered into between William R. Glover and Thomas W. Mather, and the Postmaster-General, in eighteen hundred and fifty-three,for the transportation of the mails on the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, and that such damages be paid to the said William R. Glover, and Thomas W. Mather, and their associates, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated : Provided, The sum allowed shall not exceed the sum of two hundred thousand dollars. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the Postmaster-General be, lfayment to and he is hereby, authorized to pay to Uriah P. Monroe, his representa- Umh P- M°”*°°· tives 01* assigns, as pay in full for extra mail service on the mail route from Sacramento to Shasta., in the State of California, commencing October the first, A. D. eighteen hundred and fifty—0ue, and ending July the fift,eentl1, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, the sum of fivc thousand ive hundred and forty-one dollars and sixty-six cents. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That the proper comptroller of the Adjustment of treasury, under instructions of the Atmrney·Goneral, inquire whether the gmhgdw- L- contract made by the Postmaster-General with William L. Blanchard, for ‘ carrying the United States mail on route numbered five thousand and sixty-six, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-three, was violated oy the Postmaster-General without legal and adequate cause given by send Blanchard; and if it was so violated, then to ascertain and allow such damages as he is entitled to in equity and justice, by reason of such violation, and that such damages be paid to said Blanchard out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. APPRO\’ED, March 3, 1855.