Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/757

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LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. xi Gaston T Raoul, to enter certain Land. An act for the relief of Gaston T. Raoul. Aug. I`, 1854, ch. 174 . . .. 806 A. G. Penn, to enter certain Land. An act for the relief of A. G. Penn. Aug. 1, 1854, ch. 175. 806 Ill P. Buckner and P. Grosby,_SettZement ofClaims q/I An Act for the settlement of the claims of W. P. Buckner and 1ercerCr0sby, passed Midshipmen in the United Smtes Navy. Aug. 1, 1854,ch. 176 . 505 William G. Smit/z, Payment to. An act for the relief ofWillis.m G. Smith. Aug. 1, 1854, ch. 177. 807 Caleb Swan, Payment to representatives gl An act for the relief of the legal representatives of Major Caleb Swan, deceased. ug. 1, 1854, ch. 178 ... . ... 807 11. La Reintrie, Payment to. An act for the relief of Henry Lo. Reiutrie. Aug. 1, 1854, eh. 179. 807 George Morell, Payment to. An act to provide compensation for the services of George Morel}, iu adjusting titles to lend in Michigan. Aug. 1, 1854, ch. 180 .. 807 C. G. Merchant, Settlement of ldccountq/I A11 act for the relief of Captain Clmrlcs G. Merchant. Aug. 1, 1854, ch. 181 808 Sylvester Pettibonc, released from a judgment. An act for the relief of Sylvester Pettibonc. Aug. 1, 1854, ch. 182 . ... 808 P. M Myhtingde, Adm., Payment to. An act for the relief of Phineas M. Nightingale, administrator of the estate o General Nathaniel Greene, deceased. Aug. 1, 1854, ch. 183 . 808 A. G. Morgan, Settlement of Accounts if An act for the relief of the heirs and represemo.tives of Colonel Alexander G. Morgan. Aug. 1, 1854, ch. 184 . . 809 Wm. Brown, Pension qi An act for the relief of William Brown. Aug. 1, 1854, ch. 185 809 Pensions to sundry persons. An act to authorize the payment of invalid pensions to the heirs of Lieutenant Robert White, and others. Aug. 1, 1854, ch. 186 809 Thos. H Sumner, Purchase of Copyright of An act for the purelmso of the Copyright of u. work published by Thomas H. Sumner, wherein he describes his new method of ascertaining u ship’s position at sea. Aug. 2, 1854, eh. 187 ... 810 Chas. G. Gunter, Release of a Reversion to. An act to relinquish the rcversiouary interest of the United States to v. certain reservation therein mentioned, und to confirm the title of Charles G. Gunter thereto. Aug. 2, 1854, eh. 190 . . gm Extension of R. R. into District ty" Columbia. An act authorizing the extension of the Alexandria. and 'Washington Railroad into the District of Columbia., and conferring certain privileges on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company. Aug. 8, 1854, cli. 197. . . . . . . 810 National Hotel Co., Incorporation of An actto incorporate the National Hotel Company of Washington City. Aug. 3, 1854, ch. 203 . .. . . . . 812 1V J. McE/hincy, E. P. Matthews, and L. Cribben to enter certain Lands. An act for the relief of William J. MeEll1iney, E. P. Matthews, and Lawrence Cribbeu. Aug. 3, 1854, ch. 205. 813 Jllrs. Mackay, Payment to. An mt for the relief of Mrs. Helen Mackey, widow of the late Colonel 1Enea.·s Mackay, Deputy Quartermaster-General, United States Army. Aug. 3, 1854, eh. 206 813 Sylvanus Culver, Land Warrant to issue to. An act for the relief of Sylvanus Culver. Aug. 3, 1854, ch. 207 . . . . ... 814 Daniel Steenrod, Settlementqf Claim o/Z An act for the relief of Dsmiel Steeurod. Aug. 3, 1854, ch. 208. . ,. 814 J P. Levy and J M. Jarrero, Settlement of Claims QZ An act for the relief of Jonas P. Levy and Jose Marie Jarrero. Aug. 3, 1854, eh. 209. . .. 814 TV D. Porter, Settlement of Accounts of An act for tho relief of W.D. Porter, of the United States Navy. Aug. 3, 1854, ch. 210. . .. .. 814 J 1|hVea and J 12 McKneen;, to enter certain Lands. An act for the relief of John MeVeu. and Jehu F. MeKueely, of Louisiana. Aug. 3, 1854, ch. 211 .. - . 814 Charlotte SP Westcott, Pension if An act for the relief of Charlotte S. Westeott. Aug. 3, 1854, 5 eh. 212. . .. 81 Wn:. 11C Weirick, Payment to. An act for the relief of William H. Weiriek. Aug. 3, 1854, eh. 213. . .. 815 John Eink, Payment to. An act for the relief of John Frink. Aug. 3, 1854, ch. 214. . ... 915 Mary IZ Cushing, Land lVarrant to issue to. An act for the relief of Mary H. Cushing. Aug. 3, 1854, ch. 215 ... 816 Rebecca Baggerly, Pension of An act for the relief of Rebecca Baggerly, widow of David Beggerly, deceased. Aug. 3, 1854, ch. 216 . . . . . 816 Geo. Mattingly, Conveyance to. An act for the relief of George Mattingly. Aug. 3, 1854. cb. 217 816