Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/808

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768 THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 138, 141, 152. 1853. by the present owner, is equal to three fourths of the value of such u. vessel built in the United States. Name of the Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the owners of the Steamboat R°g°' wnuwis “Roger 'Wil1iems" be and they are hereby authorized to chance the changed to L1 . ’ , ’ ¤ pmguay_ name of send boat to that of “E1 Paraguay, ’ and that the owners of the Nuns of the Propeller Ontario be, and they are hereby authorized to change the gwing name of the said Propeller to the “Carrier Pigeon." gmh Approved, March 3, 1853. . .-— at auihonvthe Ad'ustment and Pa t o `

 CHQ35E3g Wéigjmased, fw asses suizained by him ¢1;l¢1:?:gilQ0?V€?l;’g;

· mum. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Chim of tho States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting l’f°#l“2é" gv',; officers under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, adjust settled,. and settle the claims of Major William Hazzard Wigg, deceased, late of the State of South Carolina, for losses sustained by him, the said WVigg, while retained as at hostage by the British officcrs during the war of the revolution. Moda Ogmuc- Sec. 2. And be itfurtlzcr enacted, That the said accounting officers, in ¥¤¤¤¤· the adjustment of the said losses, shall, and they are hereby directed to allow the said Wigg the sum of thirty-seven thousand one hundred and ninety-seven dollars, with legal interest from the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, until the day of stating the account of said losses. . Amount duoto Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treallf PQ}? ’° sury be, and he is hereby authorized to pay to William Hazzard Wigg, g},_ud,°g,E' the grandson of the said William Hazzard Wigg, deceased, the amount that shall be ascertained to be due on account of said losses, including the interest, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approprinted. Armovmo, March 3, 1853. March 8, 1853. Cxmr. CXLI.—An Act to Incorporate the Georgetown and Catoctin Railroad Cbmpany. Bc it enacted by the Senate and Abuse of Representatives of the United Right of WW States of America in Congress assembled, That whenever the State of g'"‘°°d‘ Maryland shell by law incorporate 0. company to ley out and construct 21 railroad, from any point, in connection with the Baltimore and Ohio re,ih·oud, at or near the Point oFRock , to Georgetown, in the District of Columbia, the right of way, not exceeding sixty-six feet wide, be and is Provisos. hereby granted to such company : Provided, That before any such road, depots, and its necessary fixtures shall be located in Georgetown, the assent of said city shall first be obtained: And provided, also, That the same provisions for the condemnation of} and payment for, land, or other private property for the use of the said road, as may be made by any act for the incorporation of such company by the State of Maryland shall be and hereby are extended to the condemnation of and payment for land or Ether pyivete prdperty for the use of the said road within the District 0 um 12.. Approved, March 3, 1853. March 8, 1868. Cmlr. CLII. —-An Actjbr theRcZiefqf the Southern Mchigan Railroad Company. '_"‘°"‘ Ba it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _Po.ymem¤ eq the Sicetcs of America in Congress assembled, That the Postma.ste1·-Gene- §£;*"§g£v£°l**‘ ml be authorized, and is hereby directed, to pay to the Southern Michi- ` gan Railroad Company, out of any money not otherwise appropriated, the sum of nine hundred and seventy-one dollars and forty-three cents, for services in the transportation of the great Northern mail from Toledo to Hillsdale, beyond Detroit, in the State of Michigan. Armovnn, March 3, 1853,