Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/814

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774 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 15, 16, 18, 19. 1854. sury not otherwise appropriated by law, to pay to Lewis B. Willis, late 21. Paymaster in the Army of the United States, the sum of five hundred and ninety-three dollars and fifty cents, that being a. balance ascertained to be due to him from the United States by a, verdict and judgment rendered in the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Louisiana. A1>1>n0vm>, January 24, 1854. Feb. 28, 1854.. Cnr. XV.-·An Act jbr the Relief of VWlliam Blake. Be it enacted by the Senate and Muse of Representatives of the United l?ension of States qf.America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Ing'gg‘m£;°;l;3 terior be, and he is hereby, directed to cause the pension allowed to m$13,,m,,m,h, William Blake on the fourteenth duty of March, eighteen hundred and nom Much 14, forty-five, to be increased the sum 0 five dollars per month, so that the 1845 pension of said William Blake shall be thirteen dollars per month, and that the said increase of pension shall commence upon and be from the fourteenth day of March, eighteen hundred and forty-five. APPROVED, February 23, 1854. Feb, 23, 1854. Cunt. XVI.—An Act taconfirmto Hercules L. Duusmcm his title to Farm Lot number

  • ····—··········· Thirtydwo, aeyoining the Town af Prairie du Ohien, in the State of Msccnsin.

Be it enacted by the Senate and .Hbuse of Representatives of the United Hercules L. States of America in Congress assembled, That the title of Hercules L. g€:g;‘l‘,l;§e§“’m Dousmau to farm lot number thirty-two, adjoining the town of Prairie ' du Chien, in the State of Wisconsin, supposed to contain one hundred and thirty acres, more or less, be, and the same is hereby, confirmed, and Provisoecpe- that e, patent shell issue therefor as in other cases: Provided, That this "“"°°°m““ “°°‘ is only to operate as a. relinquishment 011 the part of the United States of her title to said land. APPROVED, February 23, 1854. Mureh1, 1854. Cin?. XVIII.-—An Act jbr th4Relief qf.Adam D. Steuart, Paymaster of the United -———-———-—— Smm Amy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Ad¤.mD.Steu- States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the

‘i°5f,° b° Pmd Treasury cause to be paid to Adam D. Steuart, a. Paymaster of the Uni-

° ted States Army, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, the same being the amount paid by said Steuart, as a. fee to Ashley and Ringo, for prosecuting a suit at law for the recovery of the sum of two thousand dollars in specie, stolen from on beard the steamboat Tom Boling, while the said specie was in his ch2.rge,·s,nd being transported for account of the United States to Little Rock, in the State of Arkansas, in the month of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four. Approved, March 1, 1854. March 1, 1854.. CHAP. XIX.-—.An Actjbr the Reliy of Mrs. Elizabeth C'. Smith, of Missouri. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uizited Eumsm q, Siam of America in Uongress assembled, That the proper accounting oHi· ‘§¥¤%h¢<> l>¤_!>¤id cers of the Treasury be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed fsrn ;,‘,i‘$f£'f,“ to pay to Mrs. Elizabeth C. Smith, of Missouri, for her services as a. primm attire. vate in Captain Holeshider’s company “D," of Colonel Gilpirfs regiment of Missouri Infantry volunteers, (from the sixteenth of September, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, to the fourteenth of May, eighteen hundred and forty-eight,) in which she served during that time, in male attire, and under the assumed rmme of “Bill Newcom," as well as three