Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/878

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838 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 26, 27. 1855. Assessments on Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That whenever the managers shall ¤<>*<·>¤- deem it necessary, for the purpose of paying Iosses, or the current expenses of stud company, or·both, fo call for the payment of any portion of the principal of the deposit notes, they shall settle and determine the sum to be paid by the several members of said company, which shall always be in proportion to the original amount of the respective deposit notes, and shall g1VG each of said members notice thereof, m such manner as the by-laws shall have prescribed; and if any member shall, for the space of thirty days after receivinv such notice refuse or neglect to pa the sum assessed upon him, in such: case the rdanagers may proceed th collect the whole amount of such deposit note, with all costs accruing thereon; and the amount thus collected shall remain in the treasury of the company, subject to the same liabilities as said note or notes would have been liable to. Sté•ekh0lders' Sec. 12i] and ble gtfurtherhenoqed, That tihelgeneral meetings of this mee ngs. company s a be e d annua y the time on p ace to be determined by the manewers; also, it shall be the dut of the resident to call a. meetinv ¤ Y P C, _ of the company whenever requested to do so by twenty of its members. E1¤¢*·¤°¤ of The election of managers shall be held at the annual meetings, and be by m°m°’g°"‘ ballot, each member having one vote for each risk held by him. It shall also be the duty of the managers of said corporation to cause to be pub- 1}¤¤¤=*·1 1>¤b}i· lished annually, in a newspaper published in the city of \Vashin¤ton, the . CMGIOII of 8.“`3t1!`S f h · t) d b h d d · · ° of the compimy amount 0 the premmm no ts an cas on an , an lsecurmes held by them, and the amount of losses, it any, during the prevmus year, and such other matters relating. to the business of said company, ns they may think propier; seidhpublicagon to let least two weelgs Igevrolus to the annual mee mv or e mem ers 0 e company · an 0 sm mee mos not1cc shall be given in two newspapers published in the city of \Vashihg,ton, at least two weeks previous thereto. Bsmkiugprivi· SEO. 13. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this act shall be 55** “°° g"·“°' construed to grant banking privileges, or the right to issue any note in the nature of a. bank-note, or to circulate as money or currency. It shall, flimployment f however, be lawful for said company to employ and improve all moneys ° tm '°°°"°° ° received b them, and the rofits thereof, in-such manner as the mauswers e s r cmers 0 xecoman exce asaove T011C me mmpmyl d em be th ththe t of tl t b h'bi d I;¤¤1_¤¤f¤t€a$<> and except in the purchase of real estge. y’And 511 real estatelpurchased

‘_;;§f‘m°°r m by said company for the purposes of collecting or securing debts, shall

escheat to the government of the United States, unless the same shall have been sold and disposed of, and passed bond jide from the possession and ownership of said corporation, within three years next succeeding such purchase: Provided Said company may hold property that may be absolutely necessary for the transaction of their corporate business. WMM Mt $0 Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That this act shall be in full force t"k° °H°°t‘ and effect from its passage. Aet muy be S1·:c. 15. And be it further enacted, That Congress reserves to itself the “m°“d°d‘ right to change, alter, repeal, or annul this act, or any part thereof, at their pleasure. f°¥3£*tf’;];*££ o Sec. 16. And be 1]¢fin·t/ter enacted, That the members of said corporapm,,,,,, t10H shall each be liable, in his or her individual capacity, for 2.11 debts created by said corporation in favor of persons not members thereof. APPROVED, January 10, 1855. Jan. 12, 1855. cH+P. XXVII. -An Act authorizing the Legal Representatives o/`Antcine Wrsquez, Hypo- ··—···—·;· hte Vasquez, Joseph Vasquez, and Jo/m Colligan, to enter certain Lands in Missourz.

 Be it enactedlby the Senate and House of Representatives of the United

quqz, end others, States of America in Congress assembled, That thelegal representatives of g;_°h€$:i<;*<;:;*&1}nto1ne Vasquez, Hypolite Vasquez, Joseph Vasquez, and John Colhgan, be, and they are hereb , authorized to enter without at ment, at y : P Y