Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/981

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TREATY WITH PERU. JULY 26, 1851. 937 knowledge of such declaration; but la guerra, o aun despues si se hu. the contracting parties agree that biere hecho sin conoeimiento de la ignorance cannot be alleged after tal declaracion; pero las partes the lapse of six months from the contratantes convienen que no podeclaration of war. On the con- dra alegarse ignorancia seis meses trary, in those cases where the flag despues de la declaration de la of the neutral does not protect ene- guerra. Por el contrario en aquelmies’ property which may be found los cases en que el pabellon del on board, the goods or merchandise neutral no proteje la propiedad enof the neutral embarked in enemies’ emiga que se encuentre é bordo, los vessels shall be free. efectos y mercaderias del neutral embarcadas en tales buques enemigos seran libres. Anrrcms XXIII. ARTICUL0 XXIII. The liberty of commerce and La libertad de comercio y nave- Definition qf navigation stipulated for in the pre- gaeion estipulada cn los articulos gfgmbwd "°" ceding articles shall extend to all anteriores se estenderaa toda espe- ` kinds of merchandise except the cie de mercaderias, exceptuandose articles called contraband of war, unicamente aquellos articulos que under which name shall be compre- se llaman contrabando de guerra, hended: bajo cuya denominacion se comprenden: 1. Cannons, mortars, howitzers, 1°. Caiiones, morteros, obuses, swivels, blunderbusses, muskets, fu- pedreros, trabucos, mosquetes, fusees, rifles, carbines, pistols, pikes, siles,rifles,carabinas,pistolas,picas, swords, sabres, lances, spears, hal- espadas, sables, lanzas, ehuzos, alberds, grenades, bombs, powder, abardas, granadas, y bombas, polmatches, balls, and every thing be- vora, mechas, balas con las demas longing to the use of these arms. cosas correspondientes al uso de estas armas: 2. Bucklers,helmets,breastplates, 2°. Escudos, casquetes, corazas, coats of mail, accoutrements, and cotas de malla,fornituras,yvestidos clothes made up in military form, hechos en forma y para uso miland for military use. itar: 3. Calvary belts and horses, with 3°. Bandoleras y eaballos junto their harness. consus arneses : 4. And generally, all otiensive or 4°. Y generalmentc toda especie defensive arms made of iron, steel, de armas ofensivas y defeusivas hebrass, copper, or of any other ma- chas de hierro,acer0, bronce, cobre, terial, prepared and formed to make y otros materiales manufacturadas, war by land or at sea. preparadas, y formadas expresamente para haccr la guerra pormar 6 por tierra. Anrronn XXIV. Amrcuro XXIV. All other merchandise and things not comprehended in the articles Cualesquiera otras mercaderias A11otner goods of contraband explicitlyenumerated y cosas no comprendidas en los ar- ggpm ggés fa'; and classified as above shall be held ticulos de contrabando explicita- mgm gp block and considered as free and sub- mente enumeradosyclasificados ar- ¤·d<·>d· jects of free and lawful com- riba, se tendran y consideraran limerce, so that they may be car- bres y materia de libre y leytimo ried and transported in the freest comercio; de manera que puedan mannerby both the contracting par- ser llevadas y transportadas en el ties even to places belonging to an modo mas libre por las dos partes enemy, excepting only those places contratautes, auu a. loslugares perwhieh are at that time besieged or tenecientes a un enenngo, exceptuv0L. x. TREAT.-118