Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 1.djvu/712

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 676

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PUBLIC LAW 99-346—JUNE 30, 1986

(4) Distribution of the income from the Elderly Assistance Investment Fund shall be made pursuant to the following terms and conditions: (A) No Tribal member certified to participate shall receive tsiij more than the aggregate sum of $3,000 from the income generated by the Elderly Assistance Investment Fund. (B) Payments shall be made to each Tribal member certified to participate on an equal pro-rata basis from the available income generated by the Elderly Assistance Investment Fund. (C) The initial per capita distribution shall be made no sooner than the date that is 30 days after the date that the Tribal Council certifies the list of eligible Tribal members pursuant to paragraph (3) nor no later than 120 days following such date. ^ (E) If succeeding per capita distributions are necessary to bring the aggregate payment to each Tribal member certified to participate to the sum of $3,000, such distribution shall be made on or before the anniversary date of the initial per capita distribution. (F) If any Tribal member certified to participate should die before receiving the initial or any succeeding per capita distribution, the payment which would have been paid to that individual shall be returned to the Elderly Assistance Investment Fund for distribution in accordance with this subsection. (5) When all Tribal members certified to participate in the per capita distribution have been paid the aggregate sum of $3,000, the principal sum of $1,000,000 together with any remaining interest of the Elderly Assistance Investment Fund shall revert back and become part of the Investment Fund established pursuant to subsection (a)(1): Provided, That, nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prevent the Tribal Council from establishing an Elderly Assistance Investment Fund or Program providing for per capita distributions or other programs for elderly Tribal members from the income of the Investment Fund and subject to such terms, conditions and eligibility criteria as the Tribal Council may provide. (6)(A) The Elderly Assistance Investment Fund shall be governed and subject to the same conditions as provided for in subsections (b) and (d) but not the provisions of subsection (c) of this section. (B) Any Elderly Assistance Investment Fund or Program which may be subsequently established by the Tribal Council shall be subject to the terms of this Act except that subsection (e) of this section shall not be applicable to such Fund or Program. ^^-'


SEC. 4. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Tribal Council may call a tribal election and, pursuant to such election, the tribe may adopt (without the approval of the Secretary) any amendments to the constitution of the tribe which were approved by the Tribal Council on April 15, 1985, in resolution L and O-03-85. (b) Any amendments to the constitution of the tribe other than the amendments referred to in subsection (a) may only be adopted in accordance with the provisions of such constitution and applicable Federal law and may not be adopted before the date that is 18 months after the date on which the amendments referred to in subsection (a) are adopted and ratified by the qualified voting members of the tribe.