Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 2.djvu/245

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

PUBLIC LAW 99-498—OCT. 17, 1986

100 STAT. 1347

"(B)(i) The Secretary shall determine with respect to each institution an amount equal to the appropriate percent (specified on the table below) of the aggregate of— "(I) supplemental educational opportunity grants under subpart 2; "(11) work-study payments under part C; and "(III) loans to students under part E; made for such year to students who are in attendance at such institution. The Secretary shall determine such amounts on the basis of percentages of such aggregate, and the number of students in attendance at institutions during the most recent academic year ending prior to such fiscal year, in accordance with the following table: "If the number of students in attendance at the institution is— Not over 1,000 Over 1,000 but not over 3,000 Over 3,000 but not over 10,000 Over 10,000

The percentage of such aggregate shall be— 50 percent. 46 percent. 42 percent. 38 percent.

"(ii) If during any period of any fiscal year the funds available for making payments on the basis of entitlements established under this subparagraph are insufficient to satisfy fully all such entitlements, the amount paid with respect to each such entitlement shall be ratably reduced. When additional funds become available for such purpose, the amount of payment from such additional funds shall be in proportion to the degree to which each such entitlement is unsatisfied by the payments made under the first sentence of this division. "(3)(A) In determining the number of students in attendance at institutions of higher education under this subsection, the Secretary shall compute the full-time equivalent of part-time students. "(B) The Secretary shall make a separate determination of the number of students in attendance at an institution of higher education and the number of recipients of basic grants at any such institution at each branch or separate campus of that institution located in a different community from the principal campus of that institution pursuant to criteria established by him.

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tion of higher education may receive a cost-of-education payment in accordance with this section only upon application therefor. An application under this section shall be submitted at such time or times, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary determines necessary to carry out his functions under this title, and shall— "(1) set forth such policies, assurances, and procedures as will ensure that— "(A) the funds received by the institution under this section will be used solely to defray instructional expenses in academically related programs of the applicant; "(B) the funds received by the institution under this section will not be used for a school or department of divinity or for any religious worship or sectarian activity; "(C) the applicant will expend, during the academic year for which a payment is sought, for all academically related programs of the institution, an amount equal to at least the average amount so expended during the 3 years preceding the year for which the grant is sought; and
