Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 2.djvu/388

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 1490

State and local governments.

PUBLIC LAW 99-498—OCT. 17, 1986

>; nished either to the holder (or if unknown, the insurer) of the '^ h note, not later than 60 days after such termination or failure to re-enroll; and "(D) the limitation, suspension, or termination of the eligibility for any program under this title of any otherwise eligible institution, or the imposition of a civil penalty under paragraph (2)(B) whenever the Secretary has determined, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing on the record, that such institution has violated or failed to carry out any provision of this title or any regulation prescribed under this title, except that no period of suspension under this section shall exceed 60 days unless the institution and the Secretary agree to an extension or unless limitation or termination proceedings are initiated by the Secretary within that period of time. "(2)(A) Upon determination, after reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing on the record, that an eligible institution has engaged in substantial misrepresentation of the nature of its educational program, its financial charges, or the employability of its graduates, the Secretary may suspend or terminate the eligibility status for any or all programs under this title of any otherwise eligible institution, in accordance with procedures specified in paragraph (1)(D) of this subsection, until the Secretary finds that such practices have been corrected. "(B)(i) Upon determination, after reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing on the record, that an eligible institution— "(I) has violated or failed to carry out any provision of this title or any regulation prescribed under this title; or "(II) has engaged in substantial misrepresentation of the "--'^ nature of its educational program, its financial charges, and the employability of its graduates, the Secretary may impose a civil penalty upon such institution of not to exceed $25,000 for each violation or misrepresentation. "(ii) Any civil penalty may be compromised by the Secretary. In determining the amount of such penalty, or the amount agreed upon in compromise, the appropriateness of the penalty to the size of the institution of higher education subject to the determination, and the gravity of the violation, failure, or misrepresentation shall be considered. The amount of such penalty, when finally determined, or the amount agreed upon in compromise, may be deducted from any sums owing by the United States to the institution charged. (3) The Secretary shall publish a list of State agencies which the Secretary determines to be reliable authority as to the quality of public postsecondary vocational education in their respective States for the purpose of determining eligibility for all Federal student assistance programs. "(d) DEFINITION OF ELIGIBLE INSTITUTION.—For the purpose of this section, the term 'eligible institution' means any such institution described in section 435(a) of this Act. TRANSFER OF ALLOTMENTS

State and local governments.

20 USC 1095.

"SEC. 488. Up to 10 percent of the allotment of an eligible institution for a fiscal year under section 413D or 446 of this Act, may be transferred to, and used for the purposes of, the institution's allotment under the other section within the discretion of such institution in order to offer an arrangement of types of aid, including institutional and State aid, which best fits the needs of each individ-