Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 2.djvu/405

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

PUBLIC LAW 99-498—OCT. 17, 1986

100 STAT. 1507

"(A) within the 10-year period after completing the postsecondary education for which the Congressional Teacher Scholarship was awarded, teach, for a period of not less than 2 years for each year for which assistance was received, in a public or private nonprofit elementary or secondary school in any State, in a public education program in any State, or, on a full-time basis, handicapped children or children with limited English proficiency in a private nonprofit school, except that, in the case of individuals who teach in a shortage area established by the Secretary pursuant to section 428(b)(4), the requirements of this subparagraph shall be reduced by one-half; "(B) provide the State agency evidence of compliance with section 557 as required by the State agency; and 3 "(C) repay all or part of a Congressional Teacher Scholarship received under section 554 plus interest and, if applicable, reasonable collection fees, in compliance with regulations issued by the Secretary under section 557, in the event that the conditions of subparagraph (A) are not complied with, except as provided for in section 558; "(5) provides that the agreement entered into with recipients shall fully disclose the terms and conditions under which assistance under this subpart is provided and under which repayment may be required, including— "(A) a description of the procedures required to be established under paragraph (6); and "(B) a description of the appeals procedures required to be established under paragraph (7) under which a recipient may appeal a determination of noncompliance with any provision under this subpart; "(6) provides for procedures under which a recipient of assistance received under this part who teaches for less than the period required under paragraph (4)(A) will have the repa5rment requirements reduced or eliminated consistent with the provisions of sections 557 and 558; "(7) provides for appeals procedures under which a recipient may appeal any determination of noncompliance with any provision under this part; "(8) provides assurances that the State agency shall make Disadvantaged particular efforts to attract students from low-income back- persons. grounds or who express a willingness or desire to teach in schools having less than average academic results or serving large numbers of economically disadvantaged students; and "(9) provides assurances that Congressional Teacher Scholarships will be awarded without regard to sex, race, handicapping condition, creed, or economic background. . r,^. "(c) SELECTION CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES.—The selection criteria and procedures to be used by the State shall reflect the present and projected teacher needs of the State, including the demand for and supply of early childhood and elementary teachers in the State, the demand for and supply of secondary teachers in the State, and the demand for teachers with training in specific academic disciplines in the State. "(d) SOUCITATION OF ViEWS ON SELECTION CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES.—In developing the selection criteria and procedures to be used by the State, the State shall solicit the views of State and local