Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 2.djvu/421

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

PUBLIC LAW 99-498—OCT. 17, 1986

100 STAT. 1523

of such sums shall be allotted to States under subsection (c) for all other institutions of higher education. "(b) ALLOTMENT FOR PUBLIC COMMUNITY COLLEGES AND TECHNICAL

INSTITUTES.—(1) For the purpose of making grants to public community colleges and public technical institutes, the Secretary shall allot to each State an amount which bears the same ratio to the amount available for allotment under this subsection as the product of— "(A) the number of persons in the State who have graduated from high school or received an equivalent certificate during the previous school year, and "(B) the State's allotment ratio, bears to the sum of the corresponding products for all the States. "(2)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the allotment ratio shall be 1.00 less the product of— H.f.

"(i) 0.50, and

"(ii) the quotient obtained by dividing the income per person for the State by the income per person for all States (not including Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and Guam). "(B) Notwithstanding subparagraph (A)— r: "(i) the allotment ratio shall in no case be less than 0.33 1/3 or more than 0.66 2/3; t "(ii) the allotment ratio for Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico. I American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and Virgin Islands. American Guam shall be 0.66 2/3; and Samoa. "(iii) the allotment ratio of any State shall be 0.50 for any Trust Territory fiscal year if the Secretary finds that the cost of school construc- of the Pacific tion in such State exceeds twice the median of such costs in all Islands. the States as determined by the Secretary on the basis of Guam. statistics and data as the Secretary shall deem adequate and appropriate. "(C) Allotment ratios shall be promulgated annually by the Secretary on the basis of the average personal income in the State and in all the States for the three most recent consecutive calendar years for which data are available from the Department of Commerce. "(c) ALLOTMENT FOR OTHER INSTITUTIONS.—For the purpose of making grants to all other institutions of higher education, the Secretary shall allot to each State— "(1) an amount which bears the same ratio to 50 percent of the amount available for allotment under this subsection as the number of students enrolled in institutions of higher education in such State bears to the number of students so enrolled in all States; and "(2) an amount which bears the same ratio to 50 percent of the amount available for allotment under this subsection as the number of students enrolled in grades 9 through 12 of schools in such State bears to the total number of students so enrolled in all the States. "(d) AGGREGATE LIMITS AND RATABLE REDUCTIONS.—The aggregate

amount allotted to any State under subsections (b) and (c) for any fiscal year shall not be less than $100,000. If the sums appropriated pursuant to section 702 are not sufficient to make payments to each State, then the amount of each State's allotment shall be ratably reduced. "(e) REALLOCATION.—(1) Any portion of a State's allotment under subsections (b) and (c) for any fiscal year for which applications from

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