Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 2.djvu/74

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 1176


20 USC 1411.

20 USC 1421-1454; Ante, p. 1172. Ante, pp. 11591161; 20 USC 1426, 1434; ante, p. 1169. Ante, p. 1172.

PUBLIC LAW 99-457—OCT. 8, 1986

"(e)(1) At least one study shall be a longitudinal study of a sample of handicapped students, encompassing the full range of handicapping conditions, examining their educational progress while in special education and their occupational, educational, and independent living status after graduating from secondary school or otherwise leaving special education. "(2) At least one study shall focus on obtaining and compiling current information available, through State educational agencies and local educational agencies and other service providers, regarding State and local expenditures for educational services for handicapped students (including special education and related services) and shall gather information needed in order to calculate a range of per pupil expenditures by handicapping condition. "(fKD Not later than 120 days after the close of each fiscal year, the Secretary shall publish and disseminate an annual report on the progress being made toward the provision of a free appropriate public education to all handicapped children and youth and early intervention services for handicapped infants and toddlers. The annual report shall be transmitted to the appropriate committees of each House of Congress and published and disseminated in sufficient quantities to the education community at large and to other interested parties. "(2) The Secretary shall include in each annual report under paragraph (1)— "(A) a compilation and analysis of data gathered under subsection (b), "(B) an index and summary of each evaluation activity and results of studies conducted under subsection (c), "(C) a description of findings and determinations resulting from monitoring reviews of State implementation of part B of this Act, "(D) an analysis and evaluation of the participation of handicapped children and youth in vocational education programs and services, "(E) an analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of procedures undertaken by each State educational agency, local educational agency, and intermediate educational unit to ensure that handicapped children and youth receive special education and related services in the least restrictive environment commensurate with their needs and to improve programs of instruction for handicapped children and youth in day or residential facilities, and "(F) any recommendation for change in the provisions of this Act or any other Federal law providing support for the education of handicapped children and youth. "(3) In the annual report under paragraph (1) for fiscal year 1985 which is published in 1986 and for every third year thereafter, the Secretary shall include in the annual report— "(A) an index of all current projects funded under parts C through G of this title, and "(B) data reported under sections 621, 622, 623, 627, 634, 641, and 661. "(4) In the annual report under paragraph (1) for fiscal year 1988 which is published in 1989, the Secretary shall include special sections addressing the provision of a free appropriate public education to handicapped infants, toddlers, children, and youth in rural areas and to handicapped migrants, handicapped Indians (particu-