Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 2.djvu/890

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100 STAT. 1783-209
PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986
100 STAT. 1783-209

100 STAT. 1783-209

PUBLIC LAW 99-500—OCT. 18, 1986

purchase, repair and cleaning of uniforms; and reimbursement to the General Services Administration for security guard services. From these appropriations, transfers of sums may be made to other agencies of the United States Government for the performance of work for which this appropriation is made. None of the funds made available to the Department of Energy under this Act shall be used to implement or finance authorized price support or loan guarantee programs unless specific provision is made for such programs in an appropriation Act. The Secretary is authorized to accept lands, buildings, equipment, and other contributions from public and private sources and to prosecute projects in cooperation with other agencies. Federal, State, private, or foreign. -'^OMbV-:"-



SEC. 302. Not to exceed 5 per centum of any appropriations made available for the current fiscal year for Department of Energy activities funded in this Act may be transferred between such appropriations, but no such appropriation, except as otherwise provided, shall be increased or decreased by more than 5 per centum by any such transfers, and any such proposed transfers shall be submitted promptly to the Committees on Appropriations of the House and Senate. SEC. 303. The unexpended balances of prior appropriations provided for activities covered in this Act may be transferred to appropriation accounts for such activities established pursuant to this title. Balances so transferred may be merged with funds in the applicable established accounts and thereafter may be accounted for as one fund for the same time period as originally enacted. SEC. 304. The expenditure of any appropriation under this Act for any consulting service through procurement contract pursuant to section 3109 of title 5, United States Code, shall be limited to those contracts where such expenditures are a matter of public record and available for public inspection, except where otherwise provided under existing law, or under existing Executive order issued pursuant to existing law. SEC. 305. None of the funds provided in this joint resolution or in any other law may be used to implement the following provisions of the uranium enrichment criteria submitted to Congress on July 24, 1986: (i) section 762.3, which specifies the permitted enrichment of source material of foreign origin for use in domestic utilization facilities; (ii) the third sentence of section 762.11, to the extent that it ^^, provides limitations on free choice of transaction tails assays 'r from 0.2 percent to 0.3 percent U-235 or imposition of an ^ additional charge for selections in that range; pi (iii) section 762.15, to the extent it might be construed to ^^^ validate contract provisions permitting unrestricted delivery . and enrichment of foreign-origin feed material after a final court decision requiring restriction of enrichment of foreignorigin source material for domestic use or permitting imposition of additional charges for customer selections of transaction tails assays within the range of 0.2 percent to 0.3 percent U-235; ^ (iv) any portion of the criteria or provision in any contact p which permits or results in reduction of the amount of feed r material otherwise required to be delivered to DOE by commer-