Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 2.djvu/914

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100 STAT. 1783-233
PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986
100 STAT. 1783-233

100 STAT. 1783-233 fe'sv -?

PUBLIC LAW 99-500—OCT. 18, 1986

(A) add professionally trained staff with experience in ecology and related areas to undertake environmental 5 ' f > review of projects, and strengthen existing staff exercising ?tij environmental responsibilities; (B) develop and implement management plans to ensure systematic and thorough environmental review of all projects and activities affecting the ecology and natural resources of borrowing countries, including— (i) creation of a line unit to carry out such reviews as ^' • part of the normal project cycle, '/ (ii) appointment of an environmental advisor to the -'"• '-' i Presidents of the Multilateral Development Banks, ' • "' "' (iii) institution of a regular program of monitoring all ' " '"" ongoing projects to ensure that contract conditions and "^ "' general bank policies to protect the environment and indigenous peoples are fully complied with; ' •' (C) create career and other institutional incentives for all professionally trained bank staff to incorporate environmental and natural resources concerns into project planning and country programming activities; (2) vigorously promote changes in these institutions in their preparation of projects and country programs that will prompt staff and encourage borrower countries to— (A) actively and regularly involve environmental and health ministers, or comparable representatives, at the national, regional and local level, in the preparation of !'^^ environmentally sensitive projects and in bank-supported ';'"'. country program planning and strategy sessions; ^ (B) actively and regularly seek the participation of nonj governmental indigenous peoples and conservation

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organizations in the host countries at all stages of project f. planning and strategy sessions; .; ^ (C) fully inform local communities and appropriate nongovernmental organizations with interests in local development projects of all project planning sufficiently in advance of project appraisal to allow informed participation of local VJ communities and non-governmental organizations that may 1 be adversely affected by them; (3) establish a regular integrated multidisciplinary planning process to conduct land use capability analyses in reviewing potential loans. Such plans shall include, but not be limited to, a review of ongoing or other potential resource utilization efforts in and adjacent to the project area; (4) vigorously promote a commitment of these institutions to develop and implement plans for the rehabilitation and management of the ecological resources of borrower nations on a sustained basis. Special attention shall be paid to soil conservation, wildlife, wetlands, estuaries, croplands, grasslands, forests, and fisheries, including— (A) long-term programs of research designed to manage ecosystems properly; (B) provision of adequate extension workers, park rangers, social forestry experts, and other appropriate personnel; and (C) improved programs of training in environmental science and land-use planning;