Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 2.djvu/936

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100 STAT. 1783-255
PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986
100 STAT. 1783-255

100 STAT. 1783-255

PUBLIC LAW 99-500—OCT. 18, 1986


B U R E A U OF I N D I A N A F F A I R S '


For operation of Indian programs by direct expenditure, contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants including expenses necessary to provide education and welfare services for Indians, either directly or in cooperation with States and other organizations, including payment of care, tuition, assistance, and other expenses of Indians in boarding homes, institutions, or schools; grants and other assistance to needy Indians; maintenance of law and order; management, development, improvement, and protection of resources and appurtenant facilities under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, including payment of irrigation assessments and charges; acquisition of water rights; advances for Indian industrial and business enterprises; operation of Indian arts and crafts shops and museums; development of Indian arts and crafts, as authorized by law; for the general administration of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, including such expenses in field offices, $911,182,000, of which not to exceed $55,668,000 for higher education scholarships and assistance to public schools under the Act of April 16, 1934 (48 Stat. 596), as amended (25 U.S.C. 452 et seq.), shall remain available for obligation until September 30, 1988, and $25,000,000 for firefighting and repayment to other appropriations from which funds were transferred under the authority of section 102 of the Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1986, as contained in Public Law 99-190 shall remain available until expended, and the funds made available to tribes and tribal organizations through contracts authorized by the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975 (88 Stat. 2203; 25 U.S.C. 450 et seq.) shall remain available until September 30, 1988: Provided, That this carryover authority does not extend to programs directly operated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs unless the tribe(s) and the Bureau of Indian Affairs enter into a cooperative agreement for consolidated services; and for expenses necessary to carry out the provisions of section 19(a) of Public Law 93-531 (25 U.S.C. 640d-18(a)), $2,431,000, to remain available until expended: Provided further, That none of the funds appropriated to the Bureau of Indian Affairs shall be expended as matching funds for programs funded under section 10303)(2) of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act: Provided further. That notwithstanding any provision of the American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Culture and Art Development Act, the amounts appropriated for fiscal year 1987 for the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the Institute of American Indian Arts shall be available for use under part A of that Act and— (1) that Act shall be implemented in a reasonable period of time and shall be fully implemented by no later than October 1, - 1987, • (2) until the earlier of— • (A) October 1, 1987, or

(B) the appointment and confirmation of a majority of the ^ members of the Board of Trustees of the Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Arts Development under section 1505(a)(1)(A) of that Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall have the authority conferred upon such members under that Act, and (3) until the earlier of—