Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 3.djvu/76

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 1884

State and local governments.

15 USC 4503.

PUBLIC LAW 99-509—OCT. 21, 1986

(B) the amount determined under subsection (c) to be the excess amount for such fiscal year. (2) After determining the amount to be made available under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall apportion such amount among each of the energy conservation programs in a manner that will provide funding under this subtitle for the fiscal year concerned for each of such programs in the same proportionate amount that was provided for each of the programs by the Congress for fiscal year 1986. The Secretary shall then make available each amount apportioned for use under an energy conservation program in the same manner, to the same extent, under the same rulings and regulations, and for the same uses that Federal appropriated funds are made available and used under such program. (3) The Secretary shall require that amounts made available under this subsection are used to supplement, and not supplant, funds otherwise available for energy conservation activities under Federal or State law. SEC. 3004. DEPOSIT OF REMAINDER OF EXCESS AMOUNT INTO THE TREASURY AS INDIRECT RESTITUTION.

The amount that remains from the excess amount described in section 3003(c) after all disbursements have been made for a fiscal year under section 3003(d) shall be deposited by the Secretary of the Treasury into the general fund of the Treasury. 15 USC 4504.

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15 USC 751 note. 12 USC 1904 ^°^-



15 USC 772.


(a) IN GENERAL.—(1) Except as provided in subsection (b), the commencement of a civil enforcement action shall be barred unless such action is commenced before the later of— (A) September 30, 1988; or . (B) six years after the date of the violation upon which the action is based. (2) For purposes of paragraph (1), the term "commencement of a civil enforcement action" means— (A) the signing and issuance of a proposed remedial order against any person for filing with the Office of Hearings and Appeals of the Department of Energy; or (B) the filing of a complaint with the appropriate district court of the United States. (3) For purposes of this section, the term "civil enforcement action" means an administrative or judicial civil action by the Secretary under the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973 or the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970 (or the regulations issued thereunder) for the enforcement of any violation of such Acts or regulations. (b) EXCEPTIONS.—(1) In computing the periods established in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of subsection (a)(1), there shall be excluded any period— (A) during which any person who is or may become the sulDJect of a civil enforcement action is outside the United States, has absconded or concealed himself, or is not subject to legal process; (B) during which facts material to the establishment and maintenance of a civil enforcement action could not be known; (C) occurring before full compliance with any subpoena or special report order issued to any person under section 13 of the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974, and such additional