Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 4.djvu/1213

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986





National Defense Authorization Act Injury Prevention Act of 1986 for Fiscal Year 1987 3816 Joseph W. Martin Institute for Law Natural gas and hazardous liquid and Society, preservation of pipelines, reporting official papers requirements 2965 Kansas State, Educational Satellite Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Video Communications Center, Antiterrorism Act of 1986 853 financial assistance Recreational Boating Safety Act of National Defense Authorization Act 1986 3504 for Fiscal Year 1987 Superfund Amendments and Nevada, land conveyance Reauthorization Act of 1986 1613 State Comprehensive Mental Health United States Coast Guard, changes in Services Plan Act of 1986 laws affecting 444 Student Financial Assistance Water conveyance systems, Technical Corrections Act of permanent easements 3047 1986 Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Superfund Amendments and Michigan Distribution of Reauthorization Act of 1986 Judgment Funds Act 674 Tehran American School Claim Act of Saipan, governance of insular areas of 1985 the U.S., distribution of project Tribally Controlled Community funds 837 College Assistance Amendments Saline Bayou, land acquisition and of 1986 development 3334 Water Resources Development Act of Saltonstall-Kennedy Act, 1986 amendments 3721 Science and Technology: San Carlos Apache Tribe, claim Alzheimer's Disease and Related settlement 1784 Dementias Services Research Act Scholarships. See Fellowships and of 1986 Scholarships. Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of School Lunch and Child Nutrition 1986 Amendments of 1986...1783-359, 3341362 Conservation Service Reform Act of Schools and Colleges: 1986 See also Education. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Age Discrimination in Employment Reconciliation Act of 1985 Amendments of 1986 3342 Defense Production Act Amendments Coast Guard Authorization Act of of 1986 1986 3545 Education of the Handicapped Act College of William and Mary, Amendmentsof 1986 Tercentenary Celebration of the Federal Technology Transfer Act of Glorious Revolution 834 1986 Columbia River Gorge National Immigration Reform and Control Act Scenic Area Act 4274 of 1986 Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of Japanese Technical Literature Act of 1986 1086 1986 Consolidated Omnibus Budget National Bureau of Standards Reconciliation Act of 1985 82 Authorization Act for Fiscal Year Domestic Volunteer Service Act 1987 Amendments of 1986 3071 Education of the Deaf Act of 1986 781 National Science Foundation Authorization Act for Fiscal Year Education of the Handicapped Act 1987 Amendments of 1986 1145 Rural Industrial Assistance Act of Federal Employees Benefits 1986 Improvement Act of 1986 14 Safe Drinking Water Act Federal Technology Transfer Act of Amendments of 1986 1986 1785 Special Foreign Assistance Act of

Gallaudet, Washington, DC,

1986 designation 781 Superfund Amendments and Geriatric training programs, Reauthorization Act of 1986 establishment 3797 Higher Education Amendments of Sea Otters. See Animals. 1986 1268 Seafood. See Fish and Fishing.

3633 3473 3473 3816 763 3794 491 1613 509 982 4082

3802 1086 932 82 1117 1145 1785 3359 811 3236 813 923 642 3010 1613

NOTE: Page references are to the beginning page of each law, with the exception of acts being amended or repealed, which cite to pages where they actually appear.