Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 4.djvu/386

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100 STAT. 3207-107
PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986
100 STAT. 3207-107

100 STAT. 3207-107

PUBLIC LAW 99-570—OCT. 27, 1986

support and that there is cooperation among the agencies in the implementation of such programs; "(2) shall assure that research at or supported by the Administration and each of its agencies is subject to review in Pos^ p. 3207-109. accordance with section 507 and is in compliance with section Post, p. 3207-113. 509A; and "(3) shall assure that research on neuronal receptors and their role in mental health and substance abuse is provided adequate support. "(e)(1) There shall be in the Administration an Associate Administrator for Prevention to whom the Administrator shall delegate the function of promoting the prevention research programs of the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and the National Institute on Drug Abuse and coordinating such programs between the Institutes and between the Institutes and other public and private entities. Reports. "(2) The Administrator, acting through the Associate Administrator for Prevention, shall annually submit to the Congress a report describing the prevention activities (including preventive medicine and health promotion) undertaken by the Administration and its agencies. The report shall include a detailed statement of the • • expenditures made for the activities reported on and the personnel used in connection with such activities. Fraud. "(f) The Administrator shall establish a process for the prompt and appropriate response to information provided the Administrator respecting (1) scientific fraud in connection with projects for which funds have been made available under this title, and (2) incidences of violations of the rights of human subjects of research for which funds have been made available under this title. The process shall include procedures for the receiving of reports of such information from recipients of funds under this title and taking appropriate action with respect to such fraud and violations. Grants. "(g) The Secretary, acting through the Administrator, shall make grants to schools of the health professions and schools of social work to support the training of students in such schools in the identification and treatment of alcohol and drug abuse. Grants under this subsection shall be made from funds available under this title and 42 USC 242a. section 303. "(h) To educate the public with respect to the health hazards of alcoholism, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse, the Administrator shall Posf, p. 3207-112. use the clearinghouse established under section 508(c) to take such actions as may be necessary to ensure the widespread dissemination of current pul)lications of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the National Institute on Drug Abuse relating to the most recent research findings with respect to such health hazards. "(i)(1) The Administrator may obtain (in accordance with section 3109 of title 5, United States Code, but without regard to the limitation in such section on the number of days or the period of service) the services of not more than 20 experts or consultants who have scientific or professional qualifications. Such experts and consultants shall be obtained for the Administration and for each of its agencies. "(2)(A) Experts and consultants whose services are obtained under paragraph (1) shall be paid or reimbursed for their expenses associated with traveling to and from their assignment location in accord-