Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 4.djvu/584

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 3320

Ante, p. 3318.

Ante, p. 3318.

16 USC 460U-15.

PUBLIC LAW 99-583—OCT. 29, 1986

said Company's Michigan City Generating Station, which parcel by this Act is included within the boundaries of the Indiana

c. Dunes National Lakeshore and herein designated as area II-I

on National Park Service Boundary Map No. 626-80,033-B, dated October 1986, excluding that certain parcel of approximately 6.0 acres adjacent Mineral Springs Road in areas II-I, and (2) land owned in fee by the Northern Indiana Public Service Company and used for high voltage electrical transmission lines, pipelines, and utility purposes as has by this Act been included within the boundaries of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore and herein designated as area II-H on said National Park Service Boundary Map No. 626-80,033-B." (f) OWNER CONSENT REQUIRED.—Section 13 of such Act (16 U.S.C. 460U-13) is amended by changing "SEC. 13." to "SEC. 13. (a)", by striking out "the first section" and inserting in lieu thereof "section 4, dated December 1980 and numbered 626-91014", and by adding a new subsection (b) as follows: "0)) The Secretary may acquire that portion of area IV-B in private ownership on the map referred to in section 1 of this Act only with the consent of the owner: Provided, That the Secretary may acquire an agricultural easement should the owner change the use in existence as of September 19, 1986, through eminent domain.". (g) MAP REFERENCE.—Section 16 of such Act (16 U.S.C. 460u-16) is amended by inserting at the end of the first sentence "on the map referred to in section 4, dated October 1976, and numbered 626-9100". (h) RIGHTS-OF-WAY.—Section 15 of such Act is amended by adding the following at the end thereof: "The Secretary may acquire only such interest in the rights-of-way designated 'Crossing B' and 'Crossing C on the map dated October 1986 and numbered 626-80,033-B as he determines to be necessary to assure public access to the banks of the Little Calumet River and the banks of Salt Creek within fifty feet on either side of the centerline of said river and creek.'. (i) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AND STUDY.—Add the following new

section at the end of such Act: 16 USC 460U-24. contracts.


"(a) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT.—The Secretary may enter into a cooperative agreement with the Little Calumet River Basin Development Commission, the State of Indiana or any political subdivision thereof for the planning, management, and interpretation of recreational facilities on the tract within the boundaries of Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore identified as tract numbered 09-177 or on lands under the jurisdiction of the State of Indiana or political subdivision thereof along the Little Calumet River and Burns Waterway. The cooperative agreement may include provision for the Boating. planning of public facilities for boating, canoeing, fishing, hiking, Canoeing. Fish and fishing. bicycling, and other compatible recreational activities. Any recHiking. reational developments on lands under the jurisdiction of the NaBicycling. tional Park Service planned pursuant to this cooperative agreement shall be in a manner consistent with the purposes of this Act, including section 6(b). 16 USC 460U-6. "(b) STUDY.—The Secretary shall conduct a study regarding the options available for linking the portions of the lakeshore which are divided by the Little Calumet River and Burns/Portage Waterway