Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 4.djvu/889

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100 STAT. 3341-284
PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986
100 STAT. 3341-284

PUBLIC LAW 99-591—OCT. 30, 1986

100 STAT. 3341-284

purchaser: Provided, That this limitation shall not apply to specific quantities of grades and species of timber which said Secretaries determine are surplus to domestic lumber and plywood manufacturing needs. SEC. 303. No part of any appropriation under this Act shall be available to the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture for the leasing of oil and natural gas by noncompetitive bidding on publicly owned lands within the boundaries of the Shawnee National Forest, Illinois: Provided, That nothing herein is intended to inhibit or otherwise affect the sale, lease, or right to access to minerals owned by private individuals. SEC. 304. No part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall be available for any activity or the publication or distribution of literature that in any way tends to promote public support or opposition to any legislative proposal on which congressional action is not complete. SEC. 305. No part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall remain available for obligation beyond the current fiscal year unless expressly so provided herein. SEC. 306. None of the funds provided in this Act to any department or agency shall be obligated or expended to provide a personal cook, chauffeur, or other personal servants to any officer or employee of such department or agency. SEC. 307. Except for lands described by sections 105 and 106 of Public Law 96-560, section 103 of Public Law 96-550, section 5(d)(1) of Public Law 96-312, and except for land in the State of Alaska, and lands in the national forest system released to management for any use the Secretary of Agriculture deems appropriate through the land management planning process by any statement or other Act of Congress designating components of the National Wilderness Preservation System now in effect or hereinafter enacted, and except to carry out the obligations and responsibilities of the Secretary of the Interior under section 17(k)(l)(A) and (B) of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 226), none of the funds provided in this Act shall be obligated for any aspect of the processing or issuance of permits or leases pertaining to exploration for or development of coal, oil, gas, oil shale, phosphate, potassium, sulphur, gilsonite, or geothermal resources on Federal lands within any component of the National Wilderness Preservation System or within any Forest Service RARE II areas recommended for wilderness designation or allocated to further planning in Executive Communication 1504, Ninety-sixth Congress (House Document numbered 96-119); or within any lands designated by Congress as wilderness study areas or within Bureau of Land Management wilderness study areas: Provided, That nothing in this section shall prohibit the expenditure of funds for any aspect of the processing or issuance of permits pertaining to exploration for or development of the mineral resources described in this section, within any component of the National Wilderness Preservation System now in effect or hereinafter enacted, any Forest Service RARE II areas recommended for wilderness designation or allocated to further planning, within any lands designated by Congress as wilderness study aregis, or Bureau of Land Management wilderness study areas, under valid existing rights, or leases validly issued in accordance with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws or valid mineral rights in existence prior to October 1, 1982: Provided further, That funds provided in this Act may be used by the Secretary of Agriculture in any area of