Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 5.djvu/488

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 3962 B*i ' •'


PUBLIC LAW 99-661—NOV. 14, 1986 (2) is for the common logistic support of a specific weapon system common to the participating countries.


(a) ARMS EXPORT CONTROL ACT.—(1) Section 27 of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2767) is amended— (A) in subsection (b)— (i) by inserting ", in the case of an agreement with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or with one or more member countries of that Organization," after "project' " in paragraph (1); (ii) by striking out "and" at the end of paragraph (1); (iii) by redesignating paragraph (2) as paragraph (3); and &>^«.

Q^^ |jy inserting after paragraph (1) the following new

paragraph: "(2) the term 'cooperative project', in the case of an agreement entered into under subsection 0), means a jointly managed -.3 «>: arrangement, described in a written agreement among the parties, which is undertaken in order to enhance the ongoing multinational effort of the participants to improve the conventional defense capabilities of the participants and which provides— "(A) for one or more of the other participants to share with the United States the costs of research on and development, testing, evaluation, or joint production (including follow-on support) of certain defense articles; "(B) for concurrent production in the United States and ,^.in the country of another participant of a defense article jointly developed in accordance with subparagraph (A); or "(C) for procurement by the United States of a defense article or defense service from another participant to the ,4.,^. agreement; and"; (B) in subsection (f)(3), by inserting after "Government" the following: ", including an estimate of the costs as a result of 22 USC 2761, waivers of section 21(e)(1)(A) and 43(b) of this Act,"; ^92. (Q in subsection (g), by striking out "Section" and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "In the case of a cooperative project with a North Atlantic Treaty Organization country, section,"; and (D) by adding at the end the following new subsection: "(j)(l) 'The President may enter into a cooperative project agreement with any friendly foreign country not a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization under the same general terms and conditions as the President is authorized to enter into such an agreement with one or more member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization if the President determines that the cooperative project agreement with such country would be in the foreign policy or national security interests of the United States. President of U.S. "(2) Not later than January 1 of each year, the President shall Reports. submit to the Committees on Armed Services and Foreign Relations of the Senate and to the Committees on Armed Services and Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives a report specifying (A) the countries eligible for participation in such a cooperative project agreement under this subsection, and (B) the criteria used to determine the eligibility of such countries.".