Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 5.djvu/618

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 4092


Fish and fishing. The project for navigation, Oakland Outer Harbor, California: Wildlife. Reports of the Chief of Engineers, dated January 7, 1980, and July 1, 1983, at a total cost of $45,900,000, with an estimated first Federal cost of $30,100,000 and an estimated first non-Federal cost of $15,800,000. The Secretary, in consultation with appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies, shall study alternative dredged material disposal plans, including but not limited to plans which include marsh formation. The Secretary is authorized to undertake and monitor the effects of such dredged material disposal mesisures, including but not limited to such measures as will result in fish and wildlife habitat enhancement, as the Secretary determines are necessary and appropriate. The cost of any measures required for construction of the project to protect the Bay Area Rapid Transit facilities shall be undertaken by non-Federal interests and shall be credited toward the 10 percent pa3mtient required for such project under section 101(a)(2). '^^f\\r



The project for navigation, Oakland Inner Harbor, California, Report of the Chief of Engineers, dated January 21, 1986, at a total cost of $28,100,000, with an estimated first Federal cost of $17,100,000 and an estimated first non-Federal cost of $11,000,000. The Secretary, in consultation with appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies, shall study the existence of, and possible adverse effects of project dredging on, any underground freshwater aquifer in the project area. RICHMOND HARBOR, CAUFORNIA

The project for navigation, Richmond Harbor, California: Report of the Chief of Engineers, dated August 8, 1982, at a total cost of $43,800,000, with an estimated first Federal cost of $26,500,000 and an estimated first non-Federal cost of $17,300,000.



The project for navigation, Sacramento Deep Water Ship Channel, California: Report of the Chief of Engineers, dated November 20, 1981, at a total cost of $125,000,000, with an estimated first Federal cost of $76,000,000 and an estimated first non-Federal cost of $49,000,000. jqs NEW HAVEN HARBOR, CONNECTICUT

Fish and fishing.

The project for navigation. New Haven Harbor, Connecticut: Report of the Chief of Engineers, dated July 26, 1982, with such modifications as the Secretary determines to be necessary and appropriate to mitigate adverse effects of construction, operation, and maintenance of the proposed project on oyster beds and the production of oysters in New Haven Harbor, at a total cost of $26,500,000, with an estimated first Federal cost of $19,000,000 and an estimated first non-Federal cost of $7,500,000. The Secretary, in consultation with appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies, shall study the effects that construction, operation, and maintenance of the proposed project will have on oyster beds and the production of oysters in New Haven Harbor. Not later than one year