Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 5.djvu/676

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 4150 Research and development.

Flood control. Fish and fishing. Wildlife.

Highways. Bridges.

Flood control.

PUBLIC LAW 99-662—NOV. 17, 1986

(2) conduct necessary research on the interaction of erodible boundaries with flowing water in order to more accurately predict the behavior and optimum design of protective works; (3) define and test optimum designs of bed slopes and grade s-i control structures for a wide range of soil and flow conditions; (4) develop, field test, and evaluate new erosion protection products or methods, including but not limited to earth or rockfilled grids, reinforced earth bulkheads, stabilized mattings for vegetation seeding, and patterned schemes using manufactured blocks in loose, matted, or interconnected configurations; to (5) develop and evaluate engineering techniques to control overbank drainage; and • 5ap; (6) identify and quantify economic losses occurring along rivers due to streambank erosion. (d) The Secretary shall report to Congress each year of the demonstration program under this section on work undertaken pursuant to such program. (e) For each project carried out under this section, the Secretary shall evaluate the environmental impacts of such project with respect to both riverine and adjacent land-use values, with the view of minimizing environmental losses. (f) The program authorized by this section shall be undertaken at the following locations: (1) LITTLE RIVER, ARKANSAS.—Little River in the vicinity of the Highway 41 bridge, Horatio, Arkansas, protection against streambank erosion. (2) SACRAMENTO RIVER, CAUFORNIA.—Sacramento River and its tributaries from Red Bluff to Shasta Dam, and from Chico Landing downstream along each bank to the head of the Sacramento River flood control project levees, construction of bank protection works, including mitigation of fish and wildlife losses induced by the project. (3) WABASH RIVER, ILUNOIS.—Wabash River at Grayville, Illinois, construction of a low-level weir across the cutoff channel to restore the river flow to its original channel and prevent streambank erosion and damage to public and private facilities. (4) RED LAKE RIVER, MINNESOTA.—Red Lake River, Minnesota, approximately one and one-half miles west of Gentilly, Minnesota, correction of erosion problems adequate to protect the nearby highway and bridge. (5) CANEY CREEK, MISSISSIPPI.—(A) Caney Creek in the vicinity of Jackson, Mississippi, between McDowell Road and Raymond Road, construction of such bank stabilization measures as the Secretary determines necessary for flood damage prevention and erosion control along approximately 3,000 feet of the creek. (B) The Secretary shall complete his study of flood and soil erosion problems along Caney Creek and its tributaries in the vicinity of Jackson, Mississippi. For purposes of analyzing cost and benefits of any project recommended by the Secretary as a result of such study, the Secretary shall take into account the cost and benefits of measures undertaken pursuant to subpara-£ i graph (A). (6) PLATTE RIVER, NEBRASKA.—(A) Sites on the Platte River and its tributaries in Nebraska, projects for flood control and SA^* streambank erosion prevention. The program shall have as its •tssi objectives the protection of property, environmental enhancement, and social well-being.